Dear Priyamvada Gopal. Youre among the self described secular - TopicsExpress


Dear Priyamvada Gopal. Youre among the self described secular geniuses, the sole guardians of Indias future. A pluralistic inclusive future, ofcourse. :P A future where Congress and its shadows(Read BSP, SP) remain perennially in power. Ouch, too bad, the ruins you so dearly defended have collapsed and your guardianship has been burnt to ashes by the greatest democratic exercise in the history of mankind. A few weeks back, you wrote an editorial in Guardian calling Modi a mass murderer and indicating that he was solely responsible for the death of hundreds of Muslims. Now youve become irrelevant, like all your secular friends. And so have your editorials. But since you recently picked up a fight with one of my friends, and since I happen to have some time to waste, you have this thing coming. Heres the link to your article : theguardian/commentisfree/2014/apr/14/narendra-modi-extremism-india Let me explore a few of the tragically funny, massively incorrect ideas you have so shamelessly propounded in your article. 1. You say : A pogrom takes place in a foreign country targeting a minority group... Ahem wait. A pogrom? You know whats a pogrom? Its a massacre targeting a particular community. However, maam, more than 1/3rd of the people killed in the Gujarat Riots were Hindus. So it wasnt a pogrom or a concentrated targeting of one particular community by any stretch of imagination. So, either your choice of words is pathetic or youre deliberately using such words to misguide people. Which charge would you like to plead guilty for? 2. You say : The provincial leader on whose watch these events take place is a politician with open links to extremist organisations. Oooh...Extremist Organisations? You mean, RSS? The greatest NGO on the face of this earth? The organisation which is the first one to offer any kind of voluntary work in the times of natural/man made disasters? And extremist? :P Excuse me but RSS has millions of members. If it was anything close to extremist, and if it was the militarist Hindu organisation you colour it as, there would have been religious persecutions the likes of which have been happening in your secular Pakistan and Bangladesh! But none of that kind happens in India, EVER. Not from the Hindus anyway, its a different matter Islamic fundamentalists threw tens of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits out of their ancestral land. 3. You say : Allegations emerge that this politicians language helped foment the massacres. Woah. Which language you mean? The kind of language that Modi is speaking in the below, post-Godhra video, where he REPEATEDLY says that justice lies through the lawful procedure, and consistently asks the majority community TO NOT HIT BACK? This helped foment the so called massacre? youtube/watch?v=4CiuBBKJ30Q And Allegations ? Arent you a good enough journalist to find out concrete facts instead of relying on allegations? :P 4.You say : Hindu extremism is rooted in a macho 20th-century response to British colonialism. False. Kuch naii aata aapko. :P Hindu extremism is rooted far back in the 15th and 16th century, when there was a resurgence in pride for the motherland among the maratha and Sikh races, which helped stop the greatest religion based persecution in the history of the human race. Just a secular tidbit for your next editorial(If theres one ), the persecutors were the islamists, the victims the hindus. 80 million hindus were killed over the centuries. There. The defintion of pogrom and massacres, personified. 5. You say : The Gujarat pogroms took place after an unexplained fire on a train. Unexplained fire indeed! Awesome. However, Indias courts dont think so. :/ They think this was a pre planned attack where gallons of fuel was already arranged by islamists, enough to burn an entire train bogey. But you obviously have concrete facts to oppose this stupid idea, yes? So, umm...approach the Indian courts please and let there be justice. :P 6. You say : Contrary to claims, Indias supreme court has not issued him a clean chit but criticised him as a modern-day Nero. Indias SC called him a modern day Nero in 2004, gave the clean chit years later after the most extensive post-riot investigations since Indias independence. No Im just saying. Aapke agle editorial ke liye. (If theres one ) Hmm, okay. That should do it for now. Next time you type away your article full of lies, leftist bullshit, always, ALWAYS remember that this is the age of internet. The age of freedom. And youll be made responsible for every single lie you speak, and itll be thrown back at your face with vengeance. Just saying. Okay, waiting for your next editorial! (I hope theres one.)
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 15:05:02 +0000

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