Dear RafikiFriends Sponsors, I feel so honored to know each one - TopicsExpress


Dear RafikiFriends Sponsors, I feel so honored to know each one of you and thankful for your support towards Rafiki all these years. Your monthly financial contribution through this sponsorship program has allowed Rafiki to continue in rescuing more children who are in need. Since we began the sponsorship program in 2010, twelve more children have been rescued and brought to Rafiki. Right now, there are 32 children living at Rafiki, which we sponsor, and 4 more children off campus that we support through sponsorship. None of this could be possible without your support. As you know, the $90 you or a team of you give monthly goes directly into an operational account with Rafiki Methodist Village in the Commercial Bank of Ghana. That money is then used for food, clothing, water, school, medicine, and savings for each child. RafikiFriends has had the privilege of partnering with our friends at the 4M Foundation for the past couple of years. They have served us and helped us build this sponsorship program. We are thankful for their partnership; however, John Garrett, the Director, has informed us that we have outgrown their services. John has been helpful in being a part of our vision and has encouraged us along the way. We are thankful for their partnership and look forward to our new partnership with Global Connections. Global Connections is based out of Columbus, MS. Global Connections serves as a conduit between people, organizations and resources internationally and domestically. They partner resources and volunteers with organizations that are run by and serve indigenous citizens in areas where other large non-governmental organizations are not serving. They have agreed to partner with us and help us with our finances by allowing us to use their 501c3 status while we begin the process of becoming our own non-profit organization. Because we are in this transition, we would like to ask you to pause your automatic drafts, checks, and pay pal accounts while we switch over to their financial drafting system, networkforgood. We will connect our website with their website just like it was originally connected with paypal, but we will use networkforgood instead. I will be sending you with instructions soon. John Garrett is emptying our accounts and wiring that money over to Rafiki today. We hope to have the transition completed within the next week or so. Thank you for your patience. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns or if you would just like more information. We would love to talk with you more about this. Also, if you know anyone who wants to help us in becoming our own non-profit (lawyers, accountants, ect) then please let me know. James 1:27 tell us that genuine and pure religion is looking after orphans in distress. You are doing this. Thank you for loving these children. You are living life in light of the gospel, and it is a beautiful thing. Grace to you, The RafikiFriends Team
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 01:09:07 +0000

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