Dear Rajni Sir, Lets just say that I have a dream. To see - TopicsExpress


Dear Rajni Sir, Lets just say that I have a dream. To see you rule the screen with your astounding screen presence and charisma, taking up sensible and powerful roles that suit your age and health. To witness your talent and the mystical ease with which you keep millions of eyes glued at you, being put to intelligent use for making quality cinema. Just a fleeting thought of the kind of awesomeness that could be unleashed on us, if you choose to be a bit more brave and start collaborating with the best creative minds of our industry, promptly gives me the goosebumps. But definitely not, when your dupe is jumping off a cliff to the top of a air balloon or thrashing goons on the roof of a CG enhanced train. No. We would rather prefer the real deal. If you are lead to believe otherwise, its the fault of the self-conferred industry pundits around you. Believe me. The magic lies in you, and not in the double somersault that your dupe does. I sincerely hope that this #Lingaa debacle channels your infectious energy and efforts in a new direction. Yes, its easier said than done, and cinema at the end of the day is essentially a business model. But you, being you, can certainly give it a try. We, the audience, are a matured lot. You got to trust us. Yes, the audience who really know you and your capabilities would vouch for me that a quality film of yours, however experimental it is, cannot simply be a failure. One film sir. All I am asking is one. Where you are yourself. The one and only Rajni. No dupes. No lip gloss. No boots and coat. No romancing a thirty year old in lavish sets. No messing around with comedians. Just YOU. And your awesomeness, Because you deserve it. I will continue to hope. Because hope is a good thing. And no good thing ever dies. Lots of love. And Happy Birthday.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:18:54 +0000

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