Dear Randall, I’ve represented Maine in the U.S House of - TopicsExpress


Dear Randall, I’ve represented Maine in the U.S House of Representatives since 2009, and believe me, passing good laws is as hard as it’s ever been. That’s why it’s so important that we elect Shenna Bellows to the U.S. Senate this November. Shenna has shown herself to be a proven leader on issues that matter to American families. She’s been at the forefront of the fights for marriage equality, voting rights, and civil liberties here in Maine, and she’ll continue to show that kind of leadership in Washington. I’m standing right beside Shenna in this election. Will you join me in contributing $5 or whatever you can afford to her campaign? Because youve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: Express Donate: $5 Express Donate: $25 Express Donate: $50 Express Donate: $100 Or donate another amount. In the last decade, we’ve seen a recession, underwater mortgages, rising student loan debt, and a growing retirement crisis. I’m voting for Shenna because she has what it takes to offer real, urgently-needed solutions to our greatest challenges. Will you stand with me and support Shenna’s campaign with a $5 contribution today? Thank you for your support, Chellie Chellie Pingree U.S. Representative, Maine’s 1st Congressional District https://act.myngp/el/5362147857375690752/-6210448492981125120?refcode=express_lane_other
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:26:00 +0000

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