Dear Randall, The House once again passed the Koch-Ryan - TopicsExpress


Dear Randall, The House once again passed the Koch-Ryan budget plan to end Medicare as we know it, slash funding for education and job training, and preserve tax breaks for billionaires. The Koch brothers, through their gigantic dark money organization, are investing tens of millions of dollars to fill the Senate with people that will support this agenda. Not on my watch. I will not allow the Koch-Ryan Plan to become a reality. This budget would be disastrous for the middle class. And if you agree, say so -- sign the petition to oppose the Koch-Ryan Plan today. Four years in a row, House Republicans have jammed through this Koch-brother-wish-list of a budget. They know it’s not going anywhere in the Senate. They know it’s not a serious plan. Maybe they think if the push it long enough, we’ll cave and let them turn Medicare into a voucher system. I will not stop fighting a budget “plan” that harms seniors and middle class families. And I need you to keep fighting with me. Oppose the Koch-Ryan Plan. Add your voice to mine by signing the petition. Thank you for your support. Harry Reid This email was sent to: redm5954@rocketmail To unsubscribe, go to: harryreid/unsubscribe Paid for by Friends For Harry Reid
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 18:04:31 +0000

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