Dear Rat City Roller Girls, Before I wanted to say anything - TopicsExpress


Dear Rat City Roller Girls, Before I wanted to say anything about this past Saturday or even about past few months right away as the season came to an end last weekend, I wanted to take few days to think about what has been an unbelievable experience so far in my career. While I am compelled to thank each and every one of you in person to let you know how grateful I’ve felt for last few months, I’d like to write (or type) a letter to tell you how much I appreciate all of you even if it’s only on the Facebook. It feels like ages ago when we were simply mere strangers. Or even when I got an email with a contract attached to become a photographer for RCRG, however, that was just this January. Before this year, roller derby existed through me so distantly. So much so that, it was as far away as that Drew Barrymore movie that I’ve never watched and a random glance on the side of Seattle metro buses every once in a while. It was only last November in a flight back home from New York that I wanted to shoot an unique documentary series about Seattle and the first thing crossed my mind was roller derby and RCRG; the sport I was completely clueless about except for the logo I’ve seen around the city ever so often. I still don’t know why I came to that thought initially but I knew that I didn’t want to give up on it once that idea lightbulb of mine lit up. Slowly but surely, I’ve entered into your world not knowing what to expect. I was delightfully surprised and invigorated by the culture that all of you have cultivated and trail-blazed for yourselves. On the side note, I did scream in my car with a joy when I got that email with the contract and also, totally forgot the fact I still had to parallel park somewhere on 42nd and Brooklyn. Suffice to say that the photography have done me well during this relatively short yet a budding career of mine. From the ruins of Rome to the grittiest boxing gym in Bronx and sunrise of Tokyo to sunset of Venice Beach, the shutter I snap ever so often designed most of itinerary for me ever since I lodged my eyes on the viewfinder. However, little did I know that the most funnest adventure came right at the place I call home, Seattle. It has been an unbelievably thrilling 7 months run with you guys that not only was fun but incredibly thought provoking as well. I take a pride for the fact that I’ve had a chance to photograph one of the more athletic, confident, spontaneous, intelligent, fun, independent and heart-warming group of people thus far and by far. It’s hard to describe my emotion towards to RCRG and the experience thus far in one word; it’s quite impossible. However, I’d prefer that way simply because all of you guys have been so refreshingly eclectic and bursting such magnetism that easily enthralled spectators including myself. The personality and attitudes go way far beyond those names that you all bear for yourselves. You guys come together as a team and as members of community then also have a incredible zest to be highly individualistic on and off the track. I learned a lot not only as a photographer but also as a person from watching and photographing you guys all season long. I shot, I ran, I laughed, I sweated and I definitely danced during those Saturdays (or even at the scrimmages where you’ve welcomed me so warmly even without make-ups). I cannot tell you how much fun I had at the Key and as well as at the Nest. Above all, however, Ill always cherished the constant and the warmest welcoming from each and every one of you guys; skaters, coaches, officials, photographers and even ushers and some of family members of skaters. I can’t ever forget the moment way back in February. It was the first bout I’ve ever shot and I had absolutely no clue what I was doing (I still don’t even know who won or lost, to be honest). I must have been running around Key Arena aimlessly and frantically from one spot to another to get couple shots the entire night. In the middle of those moments, I ran into Astrid on the hallway as she was warming up by herself before her bout. She slowed down on me as she lifted her head a little to see me then with a smile, she said, You must be new here, welcome or even last Saturday when Danielle told me, you are our family now”. I stood on the middle of track as everyone was busy stripping away tapes around the track and leaving the scene. I was actually holding back tears a little bit because of every magical thing that has happened since that late January afternoon in my car through this past Saturday was flooding back to me all at once. It was you guys that made me feel like it was ages ago about us being such strangers and so much so that it felt like we’ve been knowing each other all along even though I actually was a rookie on the scene this year. Standing behind the camera always brings me an absolute joy and it always made me feel so grateful and humble when my photographs became wonderful clusters of memento for you guys. Hence, I am beyond thankful for all the hospitality and support that you’ve given me and as well as friendships that is brewing amongst us as I write this letter to you. Thank you, I’ve been thoroughly blessed. I do have to admit, however, that skater names still don’t roll in my tongue well and I’d still like to refer skaters (and everyone else) by legal names but I guess those can change in times to come. Furthermore, I’d love to get to know all of you as this documentary series matures little by little. On that note, I cannot wait to go back out again sooner than later. I know for sure it won’t be too long until I sling shots with my camera again on you guys. At least, I’ll just dance my night away again. ‘It’s been real’, so real. Before I close this letter, I’d like to specially thank Danielle (Sister Slaughter) and Tabitha (Kimball Machine) for guiding me throughout this year because I really couldn’t have done it without those two. Thank all of you from bottom of my heart. With love and respect, David p.s. I’ll get the photos out soon...hopefully. No, I promise. p.p.s. Rest in peace, John Stamets
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:58:10 +0000

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