Dear Ray , Madness. Utter madness . . . Sometimes those are the - TopicsExpress


Dear Ray , Madness. Utter madness . . . Sometimes those are the only words I can think of to describe what you and I see occurring in Washington, D.C. on a seemingly weekly basis. But Ray , the Obama administration’s response to the events in Egypt recently just may take the cake. Despite a military coup – and despite the fact that laws on the books prohibit the continuation of foreign aid to countries who have seen their leadership deposed by a coup – scofflaws in the Obama administration are continuing to funnel tax dollars and F-16s into Egypt! That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your American Taxpayer Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY! Just last week, I introduced legislation to stop U.S. taxpayer handouts to Egypt. This should be common sense for two major reasons. First, the situation in Egypt remains extremely unpredictable, unstable and volatile. Many Americans have seen horrific images of violence – including video of President Mohammed Morsy’s backers throwing opponents off water towers to their deaths. Just weeks ago, those were the thugs our government was funding with our taxpayer dollars. Two years ago, it was Hosni Mubarak’s government our taxpayer dollars were funding. Today, there’s a new regime being installed ready to receive F-16s and U.S. taxpayer handouts. Who knows where this will end up? The second reason is no less undeniable. Our federal government has spent its way to nearly $17 trillion in national debt – or nearly $150,000 per taxpayer. Yet, when it comes to flooding other countries with U.S. tax dollars – even countries who burn our flag – the Obama administration’s message to you and me remains, “pony up.” To most Americans, this is a slap in the face. As I’ve long argued, in most cases, foreign aid redistributes wealth from the American poor to the foreign rich. If our federal government can’t exercise a little fiscal restraint here, can it be trusted with anything? Here in the U.S., unemployment remains high. Our economy continues to only limp along. ObamaCare implementation threatens to throw us back into recession. Yet, out-of-touch politicians in Washington, D.C. want to continue to use hardworking Americans as ATM machines to fund anything and everything they can dream up. In the process, they simply ignore laws on the books designed to protect us. As I mentioned, U.S. law clearly says that we cannot send such aid where the military plays a decisive role in the coup. This law allows no presidential waiver. Aid cannot be reconsidered or restored until a democratically elected government is elected. Yet, as President Obama has so often done with other laws and even the Constitution, he ignores them. They’ll just “pretend” what happened in Egypt isn’t a coup. Just like they pretend what happened in Benghazi wasn’t a big deal. Just like they pretend IRS and NSA scandals aren’t massive violations of Americans’ constitutional liberties. This is their playbook. Like most Americans, I’m fed up with it. If you are too, please sign your American Taxpayer Protection Petition IMMEDIATELY! As you’ll see, these petitions simply urge your Congressman and Senator to cosponsor and vote to pass my bill forcing the Obama administration to abide by the law and cut off U.S. taxpayer handouts to Egypt. And if you can, won’t you please agree to a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35, as well? If that’s too much, I hope you’ll agree to at least chip in $10 or $20 IMMEDIATELY. Your generous contribution will help me alert American citizens from all over the country to exactly what’s going on and mobilize them to take action. I don’t believe this is a fight you and I can ignore. You see, like most Americans, I’m worried what you and I have just witnessed in Egypt isn’t the only coup taking place in the world . . . Here on our shores, the rule of law is being replaced with the rule of men, common sense with madness, and respect for individual liberty with an ugly lust for government power. Help me put a stop to it. Please sign your American Taxpayer Protection Petition and agree to your most generous gift of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 – or even $10 or $20 – TODAY! Thank you so much for your support. In liberty, Senator Rand Paul P.S. President Obama is ignoring the law, continuing foreign aid to Egypt despite their military coup.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 15:04:17 +0000

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