Dear ReThink911 Supporters, Controversy has exploded in Canada - TopicsExpress


Dear ReThink911 Supporters, Controversy has exploded in Canada over the ReThink911 ads currently running on 300 buses in the Ottawa transit system. On September 11, the Chair of the Ottawa Transit Commission called the ReThink911 ads “insensitive” and said she would request a review of Ottawa’s advertising policy. Yesterday, the ReThink911 campaign issued a response that was picked up by several news outlets, and the Mayor of Ottawa even weighed in to say our ads were “disrespectful” but protected by free speech. Read the articles below for a recap of how the controversy unfolded. On Wednesday, September 18, the Ottawa Transit Commission is meeting and our ads will be top of the agenda. To make sure the Commission knows exactly where the public stands on free speech and our right to question 9/11 publicly, ReThink911 is commissioning the polling firm YouGov to conduct a national survey gauging Canadians’ impressions of Building 7’s collapse and their support for free speech—but we need your help to do it. Help us raise $6,000 by Saturday, September 14, so that we may conduct this poll on Monday, September 16, and have the results by the end of next week. According to our poll released earlier this week, 46% of Americans suspect Building 7 was brought down by controlled demolition after viewing footage of Building 7’s collapse. We are confident that percentage will be much higher in Canada.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 22:00:37 +0000

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