Dear Reader… As I’m sitting here tonight; I’m thinking - TopicsExpress


Dear Reader… As I’m sitting here tonight; I’m thinking about the peace that only comes from God’s presence and as I look out my office window…unto a beautiful evening; I’m being reminded of a song that goes a little like this…”when peace like a river, attendeth my way; when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot; thou has taught me to is well; it is well with my soul.” Do we realize that when we allow God’s peace to enter a trying moment in our lives; that His peace can push away the negative thoughts and feelings that stem from overwhelming moments of trial? When we begin to seek God’s peace, while choosing to leave anxiety, fear and other negative feelings along the wayside; then we will begin to experience a settled back feeling that reminds us that everything is going to be alright. I can truly say that today has been another great day of rest! After getting up and getting around; I did my morning schedule…wrote my morning devotion and had a meeting with the overseas director. Once I was finished; I knew that the day was now mine, as I began to lounge around the house. My time off began, by doing a little cooking. I always find cooking to be a great way to relax and Keith usually comes into the kitchen and visits with me, while I cook; so this is a great time for me to just let go of everything from the week and enjoy. As I began my time in the kitchen; I made some low-fat lemon bars, which didn’t turn out too bad but I would like to work more at this recipe. I was telling Keith this morning; that God seems to be giving me ideas, on how I can enjoy the things I love to eat…while making them healthy and low-fat. Who knows…maybe someday, I will write a cookbook, with all my favorite recipes. I’ve learned to never write any idea off because every time I say…I will never do that; God seems to be listening and from there; He leads me, right into what I never thought I’d ever do…lol. There is a lesson here…always remember that God is listening to everything you say. While the lemon bars were cooling; I put together a healthy chicken/garlic pizza, for dinner. It was made with a whole wheat crust and then I made a sauce for the pizza, out of 8 oz. of low-fat sour cream, 2 teaspoons of minced garlic, a half of a chopped onion and a third of a chopped green pepper and stirred that together and then I spread that on the pizza dough. From there, I put an 8 oz. bag of shredded skim mozzarella cheese, on top of the sauce and then I topped the cheese with 2 cooked/chopped chicken breasts, along with 2 diced Roma tomatoes and about a fourth of a cup of chopped chives, which I grow in my flowerbed. Once the pizza was assembled; I wrapped the pizza in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge and left it there, until about 45 minutes before it was time to be baked, so it could come to room temperature and then I preheated my oven to 450 degrees and baked it, on my pizza stone, for about 22 minutes. Wow…what a pizza! After I was finished in the kitchen; it was almost time for lunch; so Keith helped me put a little lunch together and then we ate in my office, where I was able to relax, with my feet up on the daybed. It was a great time to just sit and talk about anything; other than work. Once lunch was over; I wanted to catch up on some personal things and then I went back into the office; to lie down and rest for a couple hours. It felt so good to stretch out and not think about anything but resting. As I slowly drifted off to sleep; I said…”God, everything is in your hands…I’m going to sleep now” and before I knew it; I was fast asleep. A few hours later I woke up and went to spend a little time with Keith, before finishing dinner. What a great day it’s been! God is so…so good! Dinner is now behind me and by the way…the pizza was great! Once I’m finish here; I am going to go and spend some time with Keith and watch the Spokane Armed Forces Torchlight Parade on TV. I remember a time, when Keith and I would go to this parade and enjoy the beautiful lit up floats, as it got dark but since I’ve had so many knee problems; I find it hard to stand or even sit; for the entire time of the parade, which is about 3 ½ hours; so now we watch it on TV, which is just as nice. Well, I hope that you have had a nice Saturday too and that you will stop by and pay me another visit tomorrow night! I really enjoy sharing my day with you and I’ve come to truly see you, as my second family! For now…take care and have a great Sunday and always remember that you are never alone…no matter what you may be facing; for God is always there for you; for He is only a prayer away! Bye for now…talk to you soon! Blessings on your day… It’s Always & Only Because of Him… Diane K Chamberlain (Author & US Director for JCCM)
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 02:18:34 +0000

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