Dear Reader… I am so thankful to be here tonight! I was - TopicsExpress


Dear Reader… I am so thankful to be here tonight! I was beginning to wonder, after a very trying day. We must remember that even though Satan’s power can never compare to the power of God; he still has a power that works overtime; as an attempt to walk us down a road of destruction and this is the battle I faced today but I’m so glad to report; that my God has once more triumphed over evil! Praise you Jesus…I love you so much! I will always need your love…guidance and hope! As my day began; everything was falling into place, as I began to get online. The day felt as though nothing could go wrong but sometimes these moments can be the calm before the storm. Not only did my time online go well but book sales were up and the web sites were doing great too. After I finished my morning schedule; I had planned on doing some more marketing work but before I began my work; I decided to go and visit with Keith for a bit and then prep a few things for dinner. The morning was going great, with no problem in site and then I got back online and began to get deep into marketing and all of a sudden; my screen froze up and I found it difficult to even get offline. I knew that Satan was up to no good; so I began to talk to God and then I told Satan that he needed to go back to hell, where he belonged. You know…sometimes we expect everything to fall right back into place immediately but when Satan wants to stop something; he has a way of bringing back reinforcements, so he can continue to work harder on us, as he attempts to destroy the work we are doing for God but I have found that this is the best time to discover God’s strength; for it’s through our weaknesses; that we are made stronger…that is, if we are willing to keep our faith lifted high, while we continue to trust in a God that cannot fail us. As the day continued; I would say that I worked with the computer, for 3-4 hours more. I checked for viruses but there were none; so I figured that the only virus that was attempting to take control of my computer was Satan. As I continued to listen for God’s voice, in the midst of it all; He began to speak to my spirit and show me the way out of this circumstance. As I followed through, with all God was instructing me to do; the problem slowly began to get resolved. How many times, do we start to fight a battle with evil…thinking that we can get through these difficult times and the minute the battle increases in strength; we back out and say… “I can’t do this anymore?” These are the moments that may seem to be the most difficult but these actually become the moments, when we are being given the opportunity to become strengthened through the problem. When we can overcome; what seems to be a mountain of circumstance; we find that we can make it through anything else that may come our way. I’ll tell you…this has been one of those days and I may have missed out, on getting several hours of work done but that’s not what I’m focusing on tonight. What I am looking at this evening; is that my God brought me through this trying moment and spared my computer from harm. Tonight, I will go to sleep and then another new day will begin and the awful moments of this day, will become a part of my past and God will give me a fresh new start. Thank God for that! I don’t know about you but God is my lifeline; that keeps me from sinking into destruction; beneath the waters of circumstance. I hope that you have seen God in your day too and that you will pay me another visit tomorrow night! No matter what obstacles we have faced in this day; we serve a God of new mercies and new beginnings and when the sun rises in the morning; we will be able to start another new day…knowing that our God is there for us; just as He was for us today. Well…it’s time for me to go and prepare for my evening meeting. I hope you have a great start to your day tomorrow! Take care and always remember that you do not have to suffer needlessly, when you have a powerful God living within you. When the moments get tough and seem as though they will never end…turn to God; for He is only a prayer away. Bye for now…see you tomorrow! Blessings on your day… It’s Always & Only Because of Him… Diane K Chamberlain (Founder/ Author & Director of the Diane K Chamberlain Ministries) dianekchamberlain
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 02:19:37 +0000

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