Dear Reader… Well…it’s been another hot day, at the - TopicsExpress


Dear Reader… Well…it’s been another hot day, at the Chamberlain home! I think the temperature today, reached 100 degrees but even through the hot weather; I continued to press on and do my work. As my alarm was about to go off this morning; I woke up; so I turned off the alarm and quietly headed out into the living room. I could already feel the temperature rising, in the early morning hour and by time I went online…around 7:30; it was already 73 degrees outside. I was tempted to give in and not do the exercises this morning but after pointing two fans in my direction; it wasn’t that bad. By time I finished; I was more than ready to get cleaned up and ready for my day. After finally getting around; I turned on the computer and while it warmed up; I headed to the kitchen; to get a couple boiled eggs and some tea, for my breakfast. As I looked out the kitchen window; I could tell that the squirrels were trying to get to their food, before the heat of the day. In fact, I saw one standing up and looking as though he was trying to cool off his belly and get this…Keith saw a bird walking around the yard, the other day…holding out his wings; as though he was trying to cool himself down…lol. What a life I live! Once I finally made it back to my office; I saw that the computer was warmed up and ready to go; so I got everything in place and began to go to work. I had quite a few e-mails this morning; so I worked on those for a while and then I got alone with God and relaxed, as I began my morning thought for the day. By the way…if you would like to read blog posts or devotions; that you may have missed; I have a web page, where you can go back and catch up on all my writings. All you need to do is get yourself something cold to drink and visit this link… It seemed as though the morning had quickly passed me by and before I knew it; I was heading out of the office; to go and visit with Keith. We sat out in the living room, for a little while, as I had some ministry news to discuss with him. From there, I had something else I needed to do in the living room; so Keith stayed and visited with me, while I worked on my little project. From there; I headed back into the office; to begin a full day’s work. Before I forget…I am going to be announcing some new things soon! I am really excited; as to what God is beginning to do in my life. For one thing…I am going to be a guest blogger, for the Suite T blog, through the Southern Writer’s Magazine. As soon as I receive a confirmation, of the date and time; I will be starting an event on Facebook, where you can come and share in this moment with me. At this time; it looks like it may be around the first part of August…so keep your eyes open for that. After spending a hot afternoon in the office; I decided to take the last half hour and go outside with Keith. We have two nice loungers out on our patio and with all the beautiful trees, vines and bushes in our yard; it’s like sitting in a little forest. I’ll tell you; the minute a breeze hit my face; I could feel all the tiredness of the day wash away, as I began to relax and visit with Keith. What a beautiful time; as the birds were standing under the sprinkler, while others bathed in the birdbath. I told Keith that I was very tempted to join them. Before I knew it; my break outside had come to an end and it was time to get dinner. As I entered the kitchen; I parked a fan close by and began to prepare a meal, for Keith and I and then we ate in my office, where it was cooler. Now the day has almost come to an end. I have one more meeting and then I will be able to go and soak my head in the shower and boy does that sound good tonight. What a great way to end the day, before resting! I hope that you have been enjoying your day too and that you will find some time tomorrow night; to come back again, for another visit! No matter what each day presents us with; we have the hope that we have a God that is much greater than these difficult moments we face and when we turn to Him, rather than the problem; we will soon see that He is much closer to us; then what we first thought. I hope you continue to enjoy your evening…have a nice Thursday and I hope to see you again tomorrow night! Bye for now! Blessings on your day… It’s Always & Only Because of Him… Diane K Chamberlain (Founder/Author & Director of the Diane K Chamberlain Ministries)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 02:31:02 +0000

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