Dear Readers, Bryce wrote for you, his readers, and used to - TopicsExpress


Dear Readers, Bryce wrote for you, his readers, and used to often say, the reader is always right. I am so happy to let you know that Bryce was awarded, The Lloyd ONeil Award’ for Service to the Australian Book Industry at the Australian Publishing Awards dinner in Sydney last Friday night. It is very rare for this prestigious award to be received post-humously, and I was greatly honoured to accept it in Bryces memory. In my short speech I told the audience of publishing luminaries including authors Tom Keneally, Matthew Reilly, and Amy Tan, (among others) how Bryce would have been so thrilled to have won this award. When something wonderful happened Bryce would say, Goodgoddles Caboddles! I wanted those present to hear Bryces own voice, so I read aloud some vintage Bryce Courtenay words, from his short story, When the giraffe came to drink from the silver bowl of the moon. (The tears welled up as I read aloud his words) Bryce always felt he was part of a team, and I took the opportunity to warmly thank the wonderful Penguin team headed up by Gabrielle Coyne who remains so passionate about preserving Bryces writing legacy. Uncle Bob, Bob Sessions the former Publisher at Penguin Books, also spoke about Bryces extraordinary writing legacy. It was an overwhelming and humbling experience, and as you would guess, this award now has pride of place at home amongst the five beasties that Bryce loved so much (Tim our dog, & the cats Ophelia, Mushka, Pirate and Cardamon). Warmest wishes, Christine Courtenay. PS: Below are some Photos of this special occasion: The Lloyd ONeil Award which is a bronze statue featuring an Australian Magpie. The inscription engraved on the Award, and Uncle Bob, Mr Bob Sessions, Bryces former Publisher at Penguin Books and myself following acceptance of the award.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 05:40:29 +0000

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