Dear Republican National Committee: Propaganda has real - TopicsExpress


Dear Republican National Committee: Propaganda has real consequences as weve seen in Las Vegas, Nevada this Sunday. From the Birther movement that many of your members embraced with silence—to the egging-on of Clive Bundy and the many untruths that have circulated through members remarks—has very real life threatening consequences. Your negative campaigning and propaganda is no longer stirring your base to contribute financially and vote—its now become the catalyst for violence aimed at Americans, these are not not statistical number drives. And for what, a tribute to undermining Barack Obama and the Democratic Party? These are the tools of a dishonest cowards and con-artists, and we have no place in our society, or our political decorum, for dirty politics that fuel misguided hatred -that leads to violence in our communities. Our country is teetering upon the revolutionary trigger—that cannot be undone once pulled; the impacts would follow us forever. Please reconsider your assault style political attack tone and volume before a revolution is ignited due to misleading information and down-right lies. There are no death panels in the Affordable Care act. The president is legitimate and does deeply care for Americans, and is not a terrorist with clandestine motives. If you truly love this country as you say you do, you will extinguish the fires youve set and stand behind the American people in actions—not just campaign contribution gathering words. Take the honorable stand and turn this thing around. --Kent
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 04:05:29 +0000

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