Dear Robert Mugabe Tapiwa Diamond Chadya: read law at the - TopicsExpress


Dear Robert Mugabe Tapiwa Diamond Chadya: read law at the University of KwaZulu Natal and is currently an MDC-T Youth Assembly SA’s Information & Publicity officer who resides in the Natal Midlands where he practices law.T his will not be my first nor my last letter. I pray this finds you in Zimbabwe not somewhere in a foreign land sneaking into a private hospital to fix your cataracts or looking East in Zhing-Zhong selling Zimbabwe for thirty pieces and structures of China-Malls. I can humbly put it to you that Zimbabwe is now a private entity, a colony, and will always be a colony, owned and colonized by you and your henchmen. Nothing much can be done to grant us a stay of execution from abject poverty and a hundred fold unemployment rate, except to remarry Morgan Tsvangirai into a transparent GNU. Let me not get distracted, that will be a letter for another day. In the current circumstances, everyone including your very own are waiting for the big day when you will be blacklisted and entered into a book of no remembrance, and have your obituary read and written. Being able to walk unaided at your age is a milestone, especially in the way and manner which you allegedly lost your precious manhood. We all wonder where all those off-springs emanated from. I wish I could construct a sentence with Nelson ‘Father World’ Mandela and you, Robert ‘Forever-Flying-Hitler’ Mugabe, but that will be a travesty of justice to the beautiful English dialect. Never on a Sunday afternoon shall I sing ‘forever young’ by Bob Dylan and think of you. You do not deserve such standing ovation. All those Tongogaras, Chiminyas, Kauzanis, Susans and Jongwes whose blood you spilt will haunt you, if not already. To us Christians, we are reminded that it is absolutely canal of us to wait patiently and in many cases impatiently for the demise of one, you Robert Mugabe. Even though the succession debate has led to wider cracks, daggers out and back stabbing in Zanu Pf, we cannot yet write home any victory for the opposition party, unless of course One Commando disagrees with Zanu Pf. This thus far is an unrealistic outcome. Opposition politics in Zimbabwe is a sad story. Robert Mugabe you are walking dead and the development of the country is going backwards. The stride of growth and development ever since you took over has been nothing but a “curious case of Benjamin Button’. From the early eighties into the early nineties Zimbabwe made a false start, and when the real work began, Zanu Pf was found wanting and you were out of breath and width. You introduced a growth-point rush in the mid-nineties and we all assumed that the country was going forward. Remember the real Gutu-Mpandawana, Tongogara and Magunje growth-points which have not only been neglected, but forgotten too. Thank you for the education, and on such I can safely assume they were meant for a massive decentralization of the economy and help alleviate the deadly rural-urban migration. But typically you, this policy fired blanks only worked for a fortnight and suddenly they were traps, they quickly became the Lindela holding cells. The population increased but there was no development in the industrial regiment at growth-points. There was no proper infrastructural planning and suddenly there was a strain on the health sector, water, sewer and electricity supply. You were too busy flirting with your secretary to notice. Zanu Pf and you could not even read from the tell-tell early warning signs. You kept corruption on the rise and as a result there was a rush into the urban areas and the strain was felt harder in the capital city, Harare and Mutare, Bulawayo, Gweru and Kadoma just to name a few. In fewer days it would take one to make a generation, university Phd students were selling tap water, bread and airtime on every street corner the black market. As if this was not enough, at the blink of an eye there was a short circuit and a total darkness in Zimbabwe prevailed! As a result therefore the Green Peace Project and the policy chop-a-tree-plant-a-tree was forgotten as people scrambled for firewood. Boreholes sprouted, and shallow wells fed by the sewer systems were also popular in the city centres, and as a result many people died of Cholera and Zanu Pf did not care. As there was a high rate of rural-urban migration you were proud of bringing rural life into the cities of Zimbabwe. The only positive thing about dark nights is the romantic candle dinner. It unfortunately became monotonous and meaningless after three years. Thank you Robert Mugabe, thank you Zanu Pf for all the pain and suffering. We are patient. We will always be patient, but do not test the people’s patience as we will become impatient of patiently waiting for your demise or stepping down. After all the pain and suffering the masses actually are dying for you to taste the romantic dinner life and they wish you do bath and drinking from the shallow-sewage-infested-well. It is never too late to act. The only thing you need to do is to just walk away. Walk away Robert Mugabe. You have done enough, what else do you need? Walk away. Go and rest. It is better to rest whilst you still can, than resting in peace without actually enjoying a physical rest. Remember that your next destination is not a pleasant resourt beach, but a place of eternal fire. The choice is yours Free Zimbabwe Mugabe Must Go! Tapiwa Diamond Chadya Information and Publicity MDC-T South Africa Youth Assembly +27 84 566 2756 or +27 72 361 8431 9-4-14 -
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 11:05:29 +0000

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