Dear SMU Campus Radio, My name is Daniel Schwesinger Tinas, - TopicsExpress


Dear SMU Campus Radio, My name is Daniel Schwesinger Tinas, Director of External Affairs of the World Radio Challenge. I couldn´t contact You per telephone and therefore I am sending You now all the information. Please let me know that You received this e-mail. I am journalist and a member of Inforadio, the Complutense University of Madrid’s radio station. I would like to propose one of the biggest and most exciting radio challenges to you: THE WORLD RADIO CHALLENGE. It is your opportunity to get known worldwide and therefore we want that YOU & your radio station represent SINGAPORE in this competition. It is your chance to interview celebrities and I am sure lots of business & companies will give you funds to create a huge & great event. Let´s make radio. To give you more of an idea about this challenge, I will answer 10 questions about it. The detailed rules are on our website (worldradiochallenge/en/normas/). Also You can check the other international participants on this competition (worldradiochallenge/en/participantes/). KEY FACTS OF “WORLD RADIO CHALLENGE” 1. What is the Big Deal? I challenge you to make the Best Radio Show of All time. Yes, you’re hearing me right! It is a worldwide competition, a challenge between radio stations and students from around the world, in which we will compete to see who is able to create the single longest radio programme as well as which programme is the best and most listened to. Our idea is to do it with the same standards already imposed by the Guinness Book of Records. Besides, if we do so the winning team can register its record legally. We have created this inspiriting event: The World Radio Challenge (worldradiochallenge/en/). I am writing to you because we would love for you to join the challenge! 2. Who can participate? Any passionate radio station! We seek radio stations both big and small; profit or non-profit. However, we have a passion for university radios, because that’s what we are. For this reason, we want to gather as many student radio stations as possible. 3. What is needed? To participate in this global competition, you need much less than you are probably imagining. Here are the key elements: - A radio studio: The most important part. If you already have a Radio Station so you will not need much more (unless you want to build a special infrastructure for the broadcasting days). - A team: An event as great as this needs a committed group of passionate people involved, I’ll bet that your radio station already has that! The first step is find 2-5 brave hosts (part or not of your radio currently) who are determined to try or to be on air at least for 70 hours non-stop! Other than that, there is no limit of collaborators, reporters and guests that can be there. 4. What about the money? This is an important factor, so we would like to be clear on this. The project is a unique chance to empower alternative radio stations such as student radio stations, and that is our goal. For this reason, we will not charge any sort of fee to anybody who wants join the challenge. There doesn’t necessarily have to be a big budget involved in order to participate in this challenge, so all radio stations should be able to afford the expenditures that they may eventually need. Of course, each radio station and University is responsible for its organisation, included financial issues. So each one can create an event as big as they want! There may be some unavoidable costs, such as guests’ production, promotion or meals for your team. 5. THE COMPETITION One radio station will make history the 6,7,8 and 9 of May. This will happen at the World Radio Challenge! 6. How big is this project? We are deeply committed to this challenge! Of course, the World Radio Challenge will be held in early Mai 2014, we want to know your availability. Many university radio stations around the world will be participating. 7. What support is there so far? Inforadio, Madrid’s Complutense University’s official radio station and the organizer of World Radio Challenge, is representing Spain for this competition, although the challenge is not limited to one radio station per country! This radio station will have the support of its University; the largest one in Spain, with a community of 80,000 students. Aside from this, there are also confirmed participants from Mexico, Italy, UK, Germany, Finland, Turkey and Portugal. However, this number will increase soon, so we are talking to universities throughout North America, Africa, Central Europe, Middle East and Asia. 8. What are the rules? Our idea is to do it with the same standards imposed by the Guinness Book of World Records, which are already established. Of course, if it is carried out in this manner, the winning team can register its record legally. During the competition, the different radio stations will be making their respective programmes. Music, interviews, humour, debates, theatre, reports… everything counts in order to create the best radio show ever! The detailed rules are on our website (worldradiochallenge/en/normas/). It is important, as well as to create a high quality content, to engage your local or national community in order to be a strong contender. As it is a competition, each country’s listeners will unite against their “rivals”, achieving a huge international audience, one of the biggest radio events in the past few years. 9. Is it this challenge impossible? Not at all… Complutense University of Madrid did it two years ago! In 2011, Fernando Carruesco had the idea of creating The Longest Radio Show ever with a team. They entered the World Guinness Book of Records. My partners Fernando Carruesco and Sergio Brau did 60 hours straight, on air without sleeping. They created a programme with a team of nearly 200 college students and more than 150 famous Spanish guests. The impact was unbelievable. We appeared on more than 100 different media outlets around the world and we made live connections with dozens of radio stations with whom we shared, for a moment, the radiowaves. Now, we want to go further, we want to make this challenge bigger by organizing an international radio competition, a celebration of radio, a championship. And we want to involve you in this madness! 10. What is the reward? As we don’t charge anything, we are not able to reward the winner with a cash prize –although we would love it if we could! Winning the World Radio Challenge is unlikely to make you a millionaire, but it will be beneficial in other ways… …to be entered in one of the most iconic and selected groups in the world: World Guinness Record holders. …as well as sharpen all your radio skills and prove to yourself what you are able to accomplish. …even to improve your own radio station. It could be the best opportunity to increase your audience and sponsors. …and definitively to build hundreds of good memories lived during this unforgettable experience. So, if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to be in contact with me. I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this challenge. Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing back from you. Best regards, Daniel Schwesinger Tinas Director of external affairs World Radio Challenge
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 03:21:49 +0000

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