Dear STHS batch-mates, I normally do not share information - TopicsExpress


Dear STHS batch-mates, I normally do not share information more than once per day for fear of spamming; but I do believe this episode of SMJ and its message is critical in shaping societal dynamics. Besides the link to the episode itself, I am sharing below my feedback to the SMJ team. Realizing that the feedback would be difficult to read due to FBs limited area for comments, I am also attaching a Word document. If you have feedback that can also be included, please feel free to PM me and I will be happy to take on responsibility. Also, feel free to share with interested family and friends on FB. Dear Satya, Just finished watching the last episode of SMJ; a topic which has such critical impact on societal dynamics. It was indeed a show that WILL make an impact on, if not all, quite a few of your viewers. The articulation displayed by Ms. Kamala was amazing; she managed to convey depth with very few words, even though I disagreed with her in one aspect; she maintained that Power was the reason for so much that ails the planet today. I happen to believe it is CONTROL (or feeling a sense of control) is at the root of the issues. Even though they are very similar, they can be two different meanings based on the context. As she herself articulated how a sub inspector’s attitude changed in a split second, when his superior was around. There is plenty of research on this topic and I will be happy to share them with you and SMJ team. In one of your FB posts, you had sought feedback from your friends and acquaintances there. If I may, I would like to share a few with you. I hope you have the time to read them. 1) First, I would like to reiterate on my oft mentioned request for post-production English sub-titling. I will attempt to describe why I feel this is important. With the topics that you cover and to the depth that you cover them, it is almost a CRIME not to have it available (read translatable) for audiences everywhere. Most nations share the same issues with slight environmental differences. I believe that the SMJ teams does a splendid and sincere job; That needs to be showcased, not just for the SMJ team members, but for India, and the planet as a whole. Besides the above derivative, I also believe that it will 1)benefit the hard of hearing/deaf segment of your viewership; 2) serve to encourage the use of Hindi all over India. Yes, I grew up in Bombay and am literate in both the languages and yet I think I learn a few new Hindi words at every episode. Example: atmasheel (self confidence). 2) I have been part of Higher Education in the US for the past 28 years, specifically in the areas of instructional design, instructional technology and academic technology. I believe SMJ can use a few such tools (very, very reasonable cost wise) during the taping of the show. You interact with your on-set audience throughout the episode; why not enhance it with some simple technology. For example, providing each of the present audio members (and also with remote viewers if you guys decide to stream it) with a hand held device which can be used to poll the audience and get their choices. You will be surprised by what you find (not only as an instructor but also as a student) when this simple interactive technology accelerates the interaction dynamics. I will be more than happy to research the most appropriate ones for your type of programming, if need be; I would consider it a pleasure and a privilege. 3) Increase the number of episodes per year. I don’t what the viewership ratings are, but I suspect it is pretty high, given your Sunday prime-time slot. I know the SMJ team, including Aamir, have a lot on their hands; but I do believe the impact that you guys have is immense, and there is no dearth of issues that have to be highlighted. Even a couple of more episodes per year will make a huge difference; as I mentioned here before, it is almost a crime not to completely utilize the privileged platform you guys have access to. 4) I have always admired the fact that in discussing the issues, SMJ team does a good job of doing so holistically; providing multiple perspective which allows the audience to peel away at the layers to get to the core, subsequently being able to understand the entire issue to its core. In the last episode I really appreciated that you brought on public figures (Deepika, Kangana, Paraneeti and Amitabh). Utilizing their great influence to propagate solutions will result in the solution process is sustained beyond the week of the airing. It also lends to the credibility and validity of issues/solutions/understanding. When someone such as Deepika says on air that she did not fully the impact of films on societal behavior until the moment they were discussing it there, you understand then how much of a bubble we live in. I think there are a lot of celebrities who would give their left arm to be there and serve as spokespersons for the causes. I must say that the SMJ team is doing a great job and has raised the bar for media as a whole. Otherwise you have armchair pundits who end up shouting over each other. Keep up the good work, and on behalf of my compatriots and others World Citizens, I thank you for caring. If there is any which way I can contribute, it would consider it an honor. As I mentioned before, I have considerable experience, background and training in Information Technology and specifically in the areas of interactive technology. I apologize if I have sounded judgmental or come across as being prescriptive. *smile* Thank you also for the opportunity to provide this feedback. Warm Regards, ravi https://youtube/watch?v=TRKmyzen0Vw
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:48:25 +0000

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