Dear Sacred Journal: 1/7/2015 A Reason and Purpose for - TopicsExpress


Dear Sacred Journal: 1/7/2015 A Reason and Purpose for Ascension . Everything is energy and nothing is at rest. Ascension involves the raising of ones energetic vibration, or personal energy signature. This results in the development of a more fine-tuned awareness of the interconnectedness of all things; it also allows one access to the higher dimensions/planes of reality (levels of consciousness) beyond the physical 3D level of awareness. Ascension, and the signs and symptoms associated with it, are occurring on a personal and planetary level. A Spiritual Awakening The Ascension is taking place right now on the planet and many people are already Ascending. Now, these individuals are not disappearing in the literal sense, but in a way, their reality is changing. It can be a short process or one that takes a lifetime (or many). Many people all over the planet are waking up and their individual vibration or frequency is increasing; in other words, their consciousness is expanding and their heart is awakening. Many others are still spiritually unconscious, or asleep, and in extreme cases, many are still consciously and unconsciously contributing to much of the chaos and turmoil within the world; many are not at peace within their own selves or are not yet at the point of realizing the true spiritual nature of their beings or their higher purpose on the planet at this time. But we must remember that everyone is ascending at a different pace, and everyone is walking their own unique path as individual sparks of the ONE creator or God. Individuals can progress spiritually in different ways through different means, and can even ascend to different degrees, at different levels; they can also fluctuate in either vibrational direction at times, since we are still having a human experience embodied in flesh on the physical Earth. We are all in this together and we must be careful not to judge others so harshly. At the heart of free-will is the acceptance that we must allow an individual to do their own spiritual work in a way that is benefical to their own Soul-Growth and level of consciousness. Most will come to their own understanding of these concepts at their own pace through experience and insight, and they may travel many different paths (sometimes through pain or harsh lessons) before the Ascension process or Spiritual Awakening occurs for them. The Ascended Masters and the I AM Presence There are various other human beings throughout history that are said to have completed the Ascension process while on Earth. These individuals are known as the Ascended Masters, a concept stemming from Theosophical teachings. Adherents of the Ascended Master Teachings believe that each person on Earth is an incarnation of an Individualized Presence of the Most High Living God, which is called the Mighty I AM Presence In this theosophical or metaphysical context, the Ascension is involves a return to complete Oneness with God by raising the outer atomic structure of the physical, emotional, and metal bodies into the Electronic Structure of the I AM Consciousness; one then becomes an Ascended Master and eventually a Cosmic Being, and beyond. This complete process would require one to develop mastery over the lower-vibrational planes of matter through love, and by the resolution of negative karma and ego; in this way, one can become a conscious co-creator and assist in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan as it unfolds on Earth and within all higher planes of existence. Sources of Ascension Energies The ascension related energies that we experience may come from a number of sources: Cosmic energy from the galactic center; solar energy and energy from celestial bodies and astronomical events such as eclipses and solstices. Other ascension symptoms are a result of the energy centers of the body (chakras) opening, activating and expanding with higher frequencies of energy; negative symptoms can also indicate a block or imbalance in the chakra and can occur when cleansing/clearing the chakra and whenever lower frequency are being released. Human and Planetary Ascension This conscious evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating on Earth at this time. We now have access to new higher vibrational energies. Since everyone is wired a bit differently, each person is experiencing these changes in their own way and in their own time. In a way, the ascension process is related to how we each work with our own individual energy, beliefs and experiences. There is no right or wrong way to ascend because it is an ongoing and unique process for everyone. For the highly sensitive or psychic individual the ascension process can be a bit more challenging, and the energies that are involved can be much more intense. The Spiritual Ascension Process Ascension symptoms happen on a physical, mental and emotional level. Spiritually, It is about energy and consciousness. As one begins to experience the Ascension process, old patterns, behaviors, and beliefs that have limited ones perception and kept their vibration in a denser state of being, begin to re-emerge. Negative thoughts and emotions that had previously been swept under the rug and repressed may begin to re-surface so that they can finally be acknowledged and released. Old energy that is stuck within us can create blocks which prevents new energy to flow through us, while also limiting our awareness. Throughout the Ascension process, these old energies get pushed up to the surface allowing us the opportunity to clear the blocks within our physical, mental and emotional bodies, and to transmute the negative energies; we begin to let go of denser thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns which no longer serve or assist us. Soon, the planet itself may no longer support these older, dense energies since Earth itself is ascending to a higher vibrational state of being. The Expansion of Consciousness These old energies can no longer remain and must be released if one is going to raise their vibration and expand their consciousness to a higher degree. It is as if we must get rid of the clutter and old baggage that has been weighing us down for so long, keeping us stuck in old repetitive or self defeating patterns and limited perspectives. The goal is to become lighter and to percieve reality for what it is, instead of what we were programmed or conditioned to believe it is. It is about taking our personal power back in one sense, and in another sense, it is about learning to cooperate and co-create with others on the level of humanity, and with the Earth itself. There is a lot going on inside of you on many levels. It is as if your system is rebooting, being tuned up or upgraded. Old patterns start to fall away as one starts to embody much more light. As we allow more of the light of awareness into our being we begin to raise our energetic frequency as a whole. Out with the old and in with the new. There is a purifying and releasing of the blocked energy that is vibrating at a 3D level, while you begin to vibrate in a higher dimension or at a higher frequency and level of awareness. The Energetic Shift in Vibration A majority of the ascension symptoms occur on a conscious level. When we are ready we can begin to process and move through the old energies that were holding us back and keeping us down; as this shift of perception occurs we can then begin to allow new energies to flow through us and move us forward into a new and higher vibration of thought, feeling and being. Each level of ascension helps us to let go of what no longer serves us and equips us with tools for the next phase of the process. Ascension symptoms also occur on a subconscious level, as there is much cleansing and releasing during deep sleep phases and within dreams; this allows old thought patterns and energy to be worked through while integrating new energies in a more subtle way that is less shocking to the conscious mind and body. As one advanced through the Ascension process there are periods where the energy and symptoms become more intense for days at a time, and then periods where symptoms cease altogether. The process is different for everyone. In the fifth dimension there is no illusory limitation and anything is possible. The manifestation of our deepest desires occurs instantly with joy and love where we have dismissed ourselves from artificial constraints of time and limitation. The right brain achieves full dominance in the fifth dimension and we are free and full of love. We are liberated and not restricted to scarcity paradigms that contribute to lower frequency actions. In this dimension we live in the realm of the unconditional-unconditional love, unconditional possibility, unconditional oneness with the universe. There is complete freedom from judgment; in fact, judgment isnt even conceivable. We live in harmony and are free to express our true selves. Our true essence is at the helm of our thoughts, actions and feelings. We can see and communicate with the non-physical beings that surround us and interact in our lives-power animals, ascended masters and teachers, angels, faeries, and other stellar beings. There is no fear in this plane. Many of us who practice metaphysics know of these states of being. We experience them regularly. However, existing in these elevated dimensions is usually not full time. Often even explaining our mystical experiences forces us into the left-brain structures and limited vocabulary, especially in English, which is predominantly a militant language and has few words powerful enough to hold the energy of the mystical experience. As we strive for ascension and seek to change our vibrations into higher qualities of purity, we must attend vigorously to creating the conditions of receptiveness by staying focused in our right brain. If we do so, we are constantly reinforced and supported with spiritual interaction and magic and are able to better comprehend our amazing existence. Our challenge is the same as it has always been-to not judge ourselves and to not judge the extraordinary experiences we have while journeying or in meditation. Without judgment, we can connect to the feelings of appreciation that can cause elation. When we have these experiences and then try to express them through the filters and structure of left-brain rigidity and judgment, we fail to fully appreciate our experiences. The left brain cannot comprehend these experiences and it is not supposed to. That is not its function. Ascension is a process that involves many factors. Stimulating and consciously activating the right brain is necessary to the process. We must trigger the right brain to counterbalance the lifetime of conditioning of the left brain. There are many activities that you can engage in for this process. Journey work, interacting with non-physical spirit beings, meditation, reacting to art and music, and daydreaming contribute to the continual reconditioning of the mind. I simply like to breathe with the intention of flooding my right brain with oxygen and energy, especially during my quiet times of the day. I envision my right brain turning on, lighting up, and taking a prominent position in my daily functions. It is amazing the feelings that rush through with this activity. Love, appreciation, and expansion flood my body and my fields of energy. It is a simple and worthy exercise to do throughout the day. The right brain is the source of imagination and you will discover that it is receptive to creative and simulative exercises. We may have been born into a third-dimension reality of limitation and scarcity but it need not remain our imprisonment for life. The choice to break free from these artificial restraints is ours. Rev. Catherine Robledo Walker and Sister Morning Song.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:58:47 +0000

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