Dear Saints of God. Your greatest Victory awaits you, and it is - TopicsExpress


Dear Saints of God. Your greatest Victory awaits you, and it is just around the corner. Some have been through the fires and have felt that I have forsaken you, but nothing is further than the truth. I have been perfecting my love in you, because perfect love cast out all fears. Take alook at yourselves and you will see that I have seared off the fears from your lives and you are stronger and more confident in who you are, and what I have called you to do. Even though you have not entered into the tangible place where I have shown you, does not mean that I have not shown it to you. So take another look at the bigger picture. Even when I created the Earth, and the Earth was without form, I began to speak, and create life out of the darkness, and so it is with you. I began to speak into your lives, and create life out of darkness through my Word and Spirit, but I also want you to notice that I rested after each work that I performed. You must also learn to rest after a work is completed and enjoy the fruit of your labor, and see that it is good. Sometimes the focus is so much on the big picture that we overlook the little things by stopping to reflect on the progressions made in the journey. Never forget that it’s a pilgrimage, and the journey is a lifetime, not a week, month, or even a year… Take some time to reflect on what I have done in you, and the changes that you have gone through and offer up to Me some praise. It will liberate your soul, and wash you from the dust and debris flying in the air, and atmosphere. Then you will see with clearer vision because rain will settle the dust. I am causing the dust to settle and I am beginning to show you things and place things before you that you were not able to see before because of the things not settled. Begin to find yourself at a place of rest, and a place of peace, for I am doing a new thing in you, and have already done a new thing in you, but now is your appointed time to see that which I have been preparing before you. The waiting is over the delivery has taken place, and now is the time to see that which you have labored for. Now is the time to see that which you have sown, now is the time to experience the promises in which I have spoken to in you visions and dreams and revelations by my Spirit. Be at peace, and rest in me. It’s Not by Might, Nor by Power, But by my Spirit says the Lord… Now it is time to enjoy the fruit of your labor, your promised land awaits you. It is suited just for you, custom fit to your heart’s desire. Yes it will have a new set of challenges, just as every rose has its thorns, but I want you to take the time to smell the roses, and enjoy this next season before you begin pruning once again. I am pleased with you, because you have continued in me. You have proven your hearts desires have been to love me and serve me above all things. Just as I have promised you, so shall it be. I am a detailed God, and things are fit for you. I know each of you individually and uniquely, so do not compare yourselves amongst yourselves. It is all done according to your Faith anyhow. Now come before me to rest, come before me to be strengthened. Come before me to be rejuvenated, for your hearts desires are just around the corner says the spirit of the Living God…Shalom
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:30:10 +0000

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