Dear Sangha, PLEASE READ THE GUIDELINES BEFORE POSTING OR COMMENTING - ALL POSTS AND COMMENTS THAT ARE OUTSIDE THE GUIDELINES WILL BE REMOVED - Welcome to the official Mooji Facebook Page. This group is cared for by close devotees of Moojis with his blessing. Mooji fully endorses this group but he does not often read or comment on individual questions or discussions on this page. Also, know that the term Mooji Sangha is used here very lovingly and inclusively. It does not refer to a closed membership at all, nor is it affiliated with any one religion or mode of thinking. Instead it is a very open space that is entered by seekers, finders and lovers of Truth, free thinkers and everyone who is drawn to sincere interaction with Truth. We ask that members be respectful in their sharing on this site and that comments be kept directly pertaining to satsang with Mooji. Indeed, this is a space to help each of us go deeper into our own direct recognition. As such, this is a place to write testimonials that sprout spontaneously out of our own insights and a place for sharing Mooji video/audio recordings or quotes that move us. It is not a place to engage in social interaction or philosophical discussions or to post your favourite personal videos. When approaching this page, embrace an attitude as though you are entering into satsang with Mooji. This page can also serve to tie together practical matters related to satsang activities with Mooji. Please help us keep this page silent. Posts or comments that do not honour this request may be deleted. It is to the Heart and to meeting in Truth that Mooji and this site are exclusively devoted. Om Shanti Mooji Sangha Admin team Darshana Ji , Gitasri Om , Kamayani Ma, Satyadevi Om and FelixandCarmela Wolf.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 08:02:48 +0000

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