Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like some ideas on how we - TopicsExpress


Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like some ideas on how we improve the number and standard of basketball referees in Scotland. Hope you can help. Regards, All moany players and coaches. Dear Moany Players & Coaches, Tough ask there! I get a lot of that from the football players as well - but funnily enough not from the Rugby crowd? Would you not rather have the complete understanding of how a women, or man, thinks - I can do that! Rather than wait until Christmas the only suggestion that I have is for every moany player and coach to take the referees course and actually referee a number of games. Once you have run a few quarters in the black sannies and dayglo orange top (or gray if NL2 or local league) then you might be in a more informed position to make comment. Of course you could just all be like Russell Brand (not as wealthy though) and like to run off at the mouth but when asked to step up and do the job there is nothing but silence and tumbleweed. Imagine how much more informed your comments from the bench would be if you were actually a qualified referee? Imagine how the referee would feel if he/she actually heard something that made any sense coming from the bench or crowd? Now before I was Santa I played the game (lots of spare time outside of December) and managed a few games plus did the coaching thing and finally had a go at the refing thing as well. My first game coaching and playing after doing the reffing thing quickly shut my mouth from barfing out stupid comments - I still had a few points to make but at least I was making them from a slightly better informed position. It also gave me a new respect for the referees that I didnt have before. So perhaps for Christmas you would like a Free level 1 officials course - maybe I could arrange for those nice people at Basketball Scotland to do a one off Christmas Offer - FREE basketball ref Level 1 courses for all that want to do it - but only if they are current BS reg players and coaches? Maybe taking away the financial cost of doing the course would make more people want to have a go? It could even be considered a part of a player or coach development - surely that must be worth a tick box and financial support somewhere? Anyway, off to put some surprise things in stockings! Have a super Christmas, Santa
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:02:46 +0000

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