Dear Senator Blunt, We do not need more needless, meaningless laws - TopicsExpress


Dear Senator Blunt, We do not need more needless, meaningless laws like the one you are proposing, Enforce the Law Act. The president takes the following oath, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Trying to pass this law would be a waste of time, because Harry Reid would not take up the bill in the Senate in the first place. However, if he would take up the bill the Democrat/Statists would vote it down in the Senate, because they have the numbers. Let’s say the Democrat/Statists did not read this bill and passed it by happenstance then it would go to the House. It should be able to pass the House because the Republicans have the numbers there. Now the bill would go to the president who would most likely veto the bill. So, these meaningless bills are a waste of time. Barack Hussein Obama is lawless and impeachment is in order, which begins in the House. Will the Senate convict and impeach him? I doubt it. Nevertheless, Obama needs to be held accountable. His lawlessness should be put on record, whether the Democrat/Statists’ in the Senate do their duty or not, but that should not stop the Republicans from doing their duty for the sake of this country. Barack Hussein Obama claims to be a Constitutional scholar, yet he does not seem to know what the Constitution means nor does he believe in following it. This country does not have a King no matter how much this tyrant Obama thinks he is one. The president is lawless; violating his oath of office, committing impeachable offenses. Mark Levin explains it this way: “Obama has committed high crimes and misdemeanors by violating the constitution. A high crime and misdemeanor doesnt mean he goes out robs a bank or knocks off a 7-Eleven. Nobody ever expected a president to do that.” Obama is lawless and impeachment is in order, which begins in the House. Will the Senate convict and impeach him? I doubt it. Nevertheless, Obama needs to be held accountable. His lawlessness should be put on record, whether the Democrat/Statists’ in the Senate do their duty or not, but that should not stop the Republicans from doing their duty for the sake of this country.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:18:51 +0000

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