Dear Senator McCain, Thank you for your distinguished service - TopicsExpress


Dear Senator McCain, Thank you for your distinguished service to the country. Twenty-three bombing missions over North Vietnam followed by five and one-half years as a prisoner of war demonstrates both a love of your country and incredible bravery. The country is indebted to you. Your congressional service, from 1983 until today, is truly appreciated. But a lifetime of service does not change some basic facts. You are seventy-seven years of age. You graduated from the Naval Academy (894 of 899) at the very bottom of your class. On Tuesday, November 4, 2008, this country overwhelming rejected your nomination to be Commander-in-Chief by ten million votes, 53% to 46%. You are a hammer that sees every international problem as a nail to be smashed militarily. You are an example of the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower identified as a threat to our national security. You constantly propose military intervention where political solutions are required. For you, politics do not end at the US shore. Please stop!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:18:31 +0000

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