Dear Senator Trillanes, I cannot believe how you acted in - TopicsExpress


Dear Senator Trillanes, I cannot believe how you acted in yesterdays hearing of a sub-committee of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee. Let me remind my friends here that a senate hearing is not a court of law, it is a venue for clarification of matters and gathering of information in order to aid our legislators in crafting laws. The people invited to the senate hearings are not suspects nor are they witnesses, they are properly called resource persons, they provide information and perspective to assist in the jobs of lawmaking. Let me also categorically state here that I am not for or against the Binays. I simply do not have enough information about their wrongdoings, or rightdoings for that matter, to render judgement. I did, however, witness how much of an arrogant person you are in August 20s senate hearing. Branding, name calling, accusing and actually rendering a decision that the guests you invited are corrupt and guilty of crimes are not the actions of a properly mannered public figure. They are the characteristics of an improperly educated, hateful and severely ambitious person swept into power by mere happenstance and not any achievement at all. Have you even seen actual combat as a soldier? Last I heard, you were gunning to be Vice President of Mar Roxas in 2016 and a Binay candidate will severely hamper your ambitions. So you use the formerly honorable and illustrious chambers of the Senate as a venue for your vitriolic vehemence. Disgusting and downright objectionable. No respectfully, Pinoy Ako Pare
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 00:26:19 +0000

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