Dear Serj Tankian of Former System of a Down Fame, Oh? You are - TopicsExpress


Dear Serj Tankian of Former System of a Down Fame, Oh? You are making a new solo album? Great! Another cure for insomnia. Face it, you need your band. They are the peanut butter to your jelly. Sure, that Darren guy is probably batshit crazy and looks like a cross between Lady GaGa and Marilyn Manson. But that guy could shred a guitar and having someone around who could stick you with a prison shiv at any moment keeps you honest. Now youre probably saying But Eddie Vedder and David Plant all went solo!. Bro, when you go solo you get sorted into Categories, Sting or Pete Wentz and it is 1000% the latter in your case. Youre probably also throwing out how Blink182 getting back together was a disaster akin to mayonnaise and waffles. And you are right. But their music never made you feel like you were wearing a suit of armor, just drank enough caffeine to kill a elephant and were ready for a good old fashioned rampage of good vibes. So come on Serge! Get the band back together and make some music that will melt my face off. Also, please retweet. Signed, everyone who went to high school in the early 2000s. Also Satan, cuz hes a fan.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:45:53 +0000

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