Dear Sir Re: APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE LOMBE CHIBESAKUNDA I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12th July, 2013, on the above captioned subject. I note with disappointment, that your response does not address the issues that I raised in my letter. In your usual manner, you have avoided the substance of my communication and have veered into trivialities. The office you hold is a public office and should therefore be accessible to all citizens regardless of whether those citizens were elected or not. Following the “logic” of your letter, suggests that you will never respond to journalists because they have never been elected at section, branch, ward, constituency, district, province or national level. We now understand why you have subjected the nation to the “silent treatment” for 22 months by avoiding to hold press conferences. For your record, I put it to you that I was elected president of the United Party for National Development on 14th July 2006 at our second general assembly that comprised of 777 delegates from branch, ward, constituency, district, province, national level and Members of Parliament. At this assembly held at Mulungushi Conference Centre, I obtained 512 votes which represented 65% of the total votes cast. Further the United Party for National Development 2009 extra ordinary assembly extended the mandate of the National Management Committee members to allow for the electoral calendar adjustment. From the resolution of the extra ordinary assembly, the United Party for National Development general assembly now holds mid-term of the Zambia Electoral Cycle, and not in the election year. We note with contrast that you were “elected” as Patriotic Front president at Mulungushi Rock of Authority in Kabwe in a strange way. No single ballot was cast, yet you and your entire central committee were “elected!”. Strange form of democracy indeed! It is my earnest prayer that you will not import this type of “democracy” from your party to the nation. Having furnished you with the details of how I was elected, I now await for your serious and non commical response to the issues I raised in my letter of 9th July , 2013 Yours Faithfully Hakainde Hichilema President
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:57:15 +0000

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