Dear Stephen, On the late evening of December 20th, 2013 you were - TopicsExpress


Dear Stephen, On the late evening of December 20th, 2013 you were talking with me and my friend, David Walmsley Sr. and your new roommate, Patrick Lewis we were using the speaker phone feature on our cell phones and we were all chatting and laughing together. You and Patrick were so excited about coming home for Christmas to see all of your family and friends here in Rhode Island. What happened after our late Friday night phone conversation together was simply heartbreaking. Stephen that entire weekend went a rye. Stephen the last four (4) remaining days of your life were misery but the worst to me as your mother was your fall on Monday, December 23rd which resulted in your hospitalization at the Brooklyn Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Stephen you were diagnosed with active running seizures due to your fall. The hospital closed your open head wound in your hairline with metal staples. Why didnt you stay in the hospital on that fateful Monday? Why didnt you call your mother instead Ana? As, I understand it you chose to leave the hospital AMA because you wanted to come home for Christmas and not get stuck in a hospital in Brooklyn at Christmastime. Stephen you were already in so much debt as I now understand it which was in part your fault and you didnt have any healthcare insurance in place at that time. So, you chose you leave the hospital? And also in part due to the unexpected move of your former 5 year relationship with your girlfriend/special friend, Ana who moved into her mother, Mzias two (2) bedroom apartment in the same building just above the apartment you and Ana had shared until she chose to move out at the end of September of 2013. Thus, putting all of the apartment expenses upon your shoulders with only your limited income. Fortunately for YOU, Stephen according to you in our conversations on this topic or perhaps NOT so fortunate for you Stephen. Stephen you trusted Ana with all your heart and remained close friends with Ana or at least, you believed you were still close or special friends with Ana. Stephen you spoke with Ana at least once on a daily basis over the remaining three (3) months of your life if not just a quick visit, a daily text or an occasional cell call to each other. Stephen you told me in late November or early December you didnt need anymore unexpected debt than you had already accrued IE: student loans, etc... and you had spoken with a financial advisor at BOA to help you get back onto your feet. I was starting to see a sign of true maturity in you Stephen. I was so excited for you Stephen because you were so excited that had received a letter of approval for the free healthcare program that was being offered and would go into effect on January 1st, 2014. Stephen you jokingly said, Mom I better NOT need any healthcare until after the January 1st. in one of our conversations in mid December. Stephen you stated to me Mom I may have leave Brooklyn but I hate to do this to my chess kids. I love them so much but I really have to move back to Rhode Island or maybe, stay with a friend in Massachusetts. Stephen I am so sorry that things have not worked out for you in Brooklyn but secretly I was rather trilled to have Stephen move back to Rhode Island, nearby Massachusetts or even back home with me. Stephen your choice to leave the Brooklyn Hospital to the best of my knowledge AMA was certainly your FIRST FATAL MISTAKE. Then, Stephen you made a SECOND FATAL MISTAKE but we will chat about that one later Stephen on my Facebook wall. Oh, my dear Stephen why are mothers often the last ones to learn about all of these details and often to late to help. STEPHEN THE GREASTEST GIFT WE GAVE EACH OTHER ON THE EVENING OF DECEMBER 20th WAS YOU TELLING ME I LOVE YOU MOM AND I SAID, I LOVE YOU MORE... Stephen I even remember telling your roommate, Patrick that I loved both of you and we were going to have the best Christmas together and Christmas is NOT about presents and to please stop worrying about that issue. Stephen yes I know you are worried about buying everyone you need to buy for there Christmas presents. Stephen your family loves you and does not need a Christmas present. I said, we did not need to exchange presents this year all we needed was each others love. Stephen we really need to talk more about your personal situation more when you come home. Stephen I am so happy you guys are coming home for Christmas and we will talk about everything when you get here. Stephen ended the phone conversation by saying I LOVE YOU MOM and dont forget to pick us up Monday at the bus station in Providence at Kennedy Plaza between 4 and 6 PM. Stephen you told me twice that he would call or text me with the exact time but that phone call or text never came. PS. I will always love you Stephen for the rest of my life. There is no greater love than that of a mother.... Oh, Stephen again Mom wants to talk to you about your SECOND FATAL MISTAKE. Stephen I will chat with you again on my personal Facebook wall not in this forum... Love, Mom Xoxo
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 00:46:49 +0000

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