Dear Students kindly go through these notes and get its print out - TopicsExpress


Dear Students kindly go through these notes and get its print out !!!! Will be referring to them in the class throughout the week. IELTS True False Not Given Objectives: to practice answering IELTS True False Not Given questions. This lesson explains how to answer True and False questions for IELTS. You also have a Not Given option with this type of task. Firsly, you will be presented with a list of facts. You then have to look at the text in order to decide if the facts are true, false, or not given. Below are some tips and strategies to help you answer this type of question. Tips • If the fact you are given is clearly in the reading it is True • If the reading says the opposite of the fact youve been given it is False • If it is not true or false, it is Not Given Strategies to answer the questions • The questions follow the order of the text. • Read the question carefully to make sure you fully understand what it is saying. • Scan the text to find where the answer is using key wordsfrom the question • When you find where the answer is, read the text carefullyto identify if you think it is T, F or NG. • The questions will probably use synonyms rather than the words in the text. • Look out for controlling words such as “only”, “all’, “never” etc. For example, if the fact in the question says some and the fact in the text says all, then it is F. • Do not spend a long time looking for the answer to one question; it is probably NG, if you cannot find it. • Make sure you use the correct code; Yes, No, No Information is sometimes used (these question are slightly different and you look for opinions rather than facts). Example Look at this statment, taken from the first sentence in the reading below: Chiles originate in South America and have been eaten for at least 9,500 years. Here are some example IELTS True False Not Given statements with answers: 1. Chiles come from South America - T 2. People began eating Chiles in the last few centuries - F 3. South Americans were the first people to start eating Chiles -NG Number one is clearly true. Notice the use of the synonym come from used instead of originates. It is common to use different words. Two is clearly false as it was 9,500 years ago, not a few 100 years ago. Three is not in the text. Be careful about making assumptions then thinking it is true. It is quite probable the South Americans began eating Chiles first as they originated there; however, you cant be sure of that and the text does not tell you that. ___________________________________________________ IELTS True False Not Given - Practice Now, read the following text and answer the questions to the right of the reading using the drop down menu to choose either True, False, or Not Given. An explanation of the answers is provided below. Do the following statements agree with the information in the text? Mark them: T if the statement agrees with the text F if the statement does not agree with the text NG if there is no information about this in the text Chilies Chiles originate in South America and have been eaten for at least 9,500 years. Organised cultivation began around 5,400BC. Christopher Columbus was the first European to encounter chilies, when he landed on the island of Hispaniola in 1492. He thought it was a type of pepper and called it the “red pepper”, a name still used today. After their introduction to Europe they were an immediate sensation and were quickly incorporated into the diet. From there they spread to Africa, India and East Asia. The reason for the chili’s “hotness” lies in a chemical called Capsaisin. Capsaisin causes temporary irritation to the trigeminal cells, which are the pain receptors in the mouth, nose and throat. After the pain messages are transmitted to the brain, endorphins, natural pain killers, are released and these not only kill the pain but give the chili eater a short lived natural high. Other side effects include: an increased heart rate, a running nose and increased salivation and sweating, which can have a cooling effect in hot climates. The reason for the presence of Capsaisin is thought to be to deter animals from eating the fruit. Only mammals feel the burning effects; birds feel nothing. As birds are a better method of distributing the seeds, which pass intact through their guts, Capsaisin would seem to be a result of natural selection. The smaller chilies tend to be the hottest. This may reflect the fact that they tend to grow closer to the ground and are therefore more vulnerable to animals. The heat of a chili is measured on the Scoville scale. The hottest types such as the Habenero and the Scotch Bonnet rate between 100,000 and 300,000, the world famous Tabasco sauceÒ rates at 15,000 to 30,000, about the same as the Thai prik khee nu, while the popular Jalapeno is between 5,000 and 15,000. Powdered chili is 500 to 1,000 and the mild capsicins and paprikas can range between 100 and 0. 325 wds ___________________________________________________ IELTS True False Not Given - Answers Discussion Question 1 Chilies became popular as soon as they were brought into Europe - T After their introduction to Europe they were an immediate sensation and were quickly incorporated into the diet. There two statements are clearly saying the same thing. Notice the use of synomyms: Became popular = sensation As soon as = immediately Brought into = introduced ___________________________________________________ Question 2 Capsaisin damages the mouth - F Capsaisin causes temporary irritation the trigeminal cells. This is false as the statement says damage. This is not the same as a temprary irritation. ___________________________________________________ Question 3 Chilies can be part of a birds diet - T Only mammals feel the burning effects; birds feel nothing. As birds are a better method of distributing the seeds, which pass intact through their guts This is true as this section in the reading clearly tells us birds feel nothing (when they eat them) and they distribute them around when it leaves their body. So clearly chiles are eaten by birds. In other words, they can be a part of a birds diet. ___________________________________________________ Question 4 All large chilies grow high off the ground - NG The smaller chilies tend to be the hottest. This may reflect the fact that they tend to grow closer to the ground and are therefore more vulnerable to animals. We are told here that small chiles grow closer to the ground. It can be assumed then that many of the large ones are higher off the ground. However, it says all large chiles. We are not given any information to say all of them grow high off the ground. Its possible some dont, so we dont know which means it is Not Given. ___________________________________________________ Question 5 People breed chilies for their heat - NG The heat of a chili is measured on the Scoville scale. Again, this is Not Given. We are given some information about heat in this sentence and those that follow. But these are just descriptions about how they are hot. We are not told specifically that this is the reason they are breeing them. IELTS True False Not Given reading questions This lesson provides further practice on IELTS true false not given reading questions. Before looking at the questions for the reading, you should take a quick look at the reading passage and get an idea of what it is about. This will help you tackle the questions. • Look at the title - what is the reading about? • Look at the topic sentences - what topics does the reading discuss? What is the difference between False and Not Given? Follow this link for some general strategies on IELTS true false not given reading questions. A particular problem, though, for students is spotting the difference between something that is False and Not Given. Firstly see if the statement agrees with what is in the reading. If it does it is true. If not it is obviously false or not given. The important point is that if you can say 100% from what you are given in the text that the statement you have been given is not true, then it is false. If the evidence is not there to say that it is false, that means that it could be true or false but you dont know - you cannot know from the information you have been given. IELTS true false not given reading questions: Practice Using these strategies, look at this reading and answer the questions that follow. UN warns over impact of rapidly ageing populations The world needs to do more to prepare for the impact of a rapidly ageing population, the UN has warned - particularly in developing countries. Within 10 years the number of people aged over 60 will pass one billion, a report by the UN Population Fund said. The demographic shift will present huge challenges to countries welfare, pension and healthcare systems. The UN agency also said more had to be done to tackle abuse, neglect and violence against older persons. The number of older people worldwide is growing faster than any other age group. The report, Ageing in the 21st Century: A Celebration and a Challenge, estimates that one in nine people around the world are older than 60. The elderly population is expected to swell by 200 million in the next decade to surpass one billion, and reach two billion by 2050. This rising proportion of older people is a consequence of success - improved nutrition, sanitation, healthcare, education and economic well-being are contributing factors, the report says. But the UN and a charity that also contributed to the report, HelpAge International, say the ageing population is being widely mismanaged. In many developing countries with large populations of young people, the challenge is that governments have not put policies and practices in place to support their current older populations or made enough preparations for 2050, the agencies said in a joint statement. The report warns that the skills and experience of older people are being wasted, with many under-employed and vulnerable to discrimination. HelpAge said more countries needed to introduce pension schemes to ensure economic independence and reduce poverty in old age. It stressed that it was not enough to simply pass legislation - the new schemes needed to be funded properly. The UN report used India as an example, saying it needed to take urgent steps in this area. Almost two-thirds of Indias population is under 30. But it also has 100 million elderly people - a figure that is expected to increase threefold by 2050. Traditionally, people in India live in large, extended families and elderly people have been well looked after. But the trend now is to have smaller, nuclear families and many of the countrys elderly are finding themselves cast out, says the BBCs Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi. There are more and more cases of physical and mental abuse, including neglect, suffered by the elderly at the hands of their families. It is slowly becoming a widespread social problem, particularly in urban areas, one which India still has not got to grips with, our correspondent says. By contrast, the UN report cited the case of Bolivia as an example of good practice in the developing world. All Bolivians over the age of 60 get a pension that is the equivalent of about $30 (£19) a month. Bolivia suffers from frequent flooding and landslides, and older people there have been organised into Brigadas Blancas - White Haired Brigades. They help with preparations for emergencies, and accessing humanitarian aid. Source: BBC News Website Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading? Mark: TRUE - if the statement agrees with the information FALSE - if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this 1. The growth of the elderly population is going to make it extremely difficult to provide adequate social service provision True False Not Given 2. Approximately thirty per cent of the population are over 60 years old True False Not Given 3. Developed countries are much better prepared than developing countries for 2050 True False Not Given 4. More financing is necessary to ensure new pension schemes are successful True False Not Given 5. Elderly people in India are not always being looked after as well as they were in the past True False Not GIven 6. India is starting to deal with the neglect of its elderly population True False Not Given 7. Bolivian Families tend to look after their elderly relatives better then many other countries True False Not Given IELTS true false not given reading questions: Answer Discussion 1) The growth of the elderly population is going to make it extremely difficult to provide adequate social service provision - TRUE Social services are things such as welfare benefits, pensions and health, so this statement is the same as this in the reading: The demographic shift will present huge challenges to countries welfare, pension and healthcare systems. _____________________________________________ 2) Approximately thirty per cent of the population are over 60 years old - FALSE 30% is not the same as one in nine, so the text contradicts the statement: A Celebration and a Challenge, estimates that one in nine people around the world are older than 60. _____________________________________________ 3) Developed countries are much better prepared than developing countries for 2050 – NOT GIVEN In the reading, we are told that developing countries are not prepared. This does imply that developed countries are better prepared. However, do you know if they are much better prepared? It is quite possible they are much better prepared compared to developing countries so we can’t say for sure it is false. We don’t know as the information is not given. In many developing countries with large populations of young people, the challenge is that governments have not put policies and practices in place to support their current older populations or made enough preparations for 2050, the agencies said in a joint statement. _____________________________________________ 4) More financing is necessary to ensure new pension schemes are successful – TRUE The above statement means the same as this sentence which was written in reference to pension schemes: It stressed that it was not enough to simply pass legislation - the new schemes needed to be funded properly. _____________________________________________ 5) Elderly people in India are not always being looked after as well as they were in the past – TRUE These parts tell us the same thing as above: Traditionally…people have been well looked after. But…many of the countrys elderly are finding themselves cast out. _____________________________________________ 6) India is starting to deal with the neglect of its elderly population –FALSE You will often need to understand synonyms in the reading test. ‘Deal with’ means the same as ‘get to grips with’. This sentence tells us India is NOT dealing with its problems, so the information in the text contradicts the statement: …one which India still has not got to grips with, our correspondent says. _____________________________________________ 7) Bolivian Families tend to look after their elderly relatives better than many other countries – NOT GIVENYou may have chosen ‘true’ here, but the paragraph does not tell you if Bolivian families look after their elderly better. It explains that they get more pension and are involved in some community activities: All Bolivians over the age of 60 get a pension that is the equivalent of about $30 (£19) a month. Bolivia suffers from frequent flooding and landslides, and older people there have been organised into Brigadas Blancas - White Haired Brigades. They help with preparations for emergencies, and accessing humanitarian aid. Is it possible that Bolivian families tend to look after their elderly relatives better than many other countries? It’s quite possible but we don’t know. We can’t disprove it from the reading so it is ‘not given
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 08:35:17 +0000

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