Dear Summoner I was so excited when you finally picked me Even - TopicsExpress


Dear Summoner I was so excited when you finally picked me Even while your teammates were begging you to jungle with Xin or Master Yi Clicked my portrait and took your time to choose all the perfect masteries Even had a rune page set up that you named specifically after me I know the last time you summoned me we didnt do that great But Ive been buffed since then and your scores have really improved of late You learned how to bait, and your last hitting seems first rate I cant believe this loading screen is taking so long, I really cant wait I like your choice of boots for level 1 so we can harass And spamming W to level the stun at spawn, that tactic is first class Taking mid is a great idea this should be a blast Of course Ill pull the golem for the jungler, glad that you asked Oh wow were laning against a melee this is going to be fun Oh crap theyre all coming at me, I think they want to gank level one Its a good thing you were so smart at spawn and charged the stun Got away with flash up and still at full HP, nicely done This laning phase is going fine, our creep scores really high The minion wave is near our tower, were zoning out this guy Ill be six soon well have Tibbers then its only seconds til he dies Please charge up the stun, we need five stacks, we need five stacks Oh damn, it looks like hes backing already we missed our chance at a kill Oh well no big deal well just push the wave real quick and pill We needed to shop anyway with all this gold and item spaces to fill We can skip the survival items for now since youve got so much skill The junglers giving us blue already this is going to be fun The extra cooldown reduction will make it easy to chain my stun I dont see middle and top on the map do you think we should run? I guess its no big deal theyre probably just jungling and Im almost done Ah crap a three man gank we really should have known With all those mias we shouldnt have tried to grab the buff alone Youre getting a little bit cocky which seems weird with all the chances youve blown When we get back to lane just hang back and farm so that we dont get owned I think we need to buy some armor soon their ADs seems fed Theyre coming to gank us pretty often you need to use your head I know Im kind of OP but that doesnt mean we shouldnt have fled Theyre coming for us look out! Back up! And again Im dead... It seems like youre overextending, I dont like this at all Here comes another gank we better run, an MIA was called Theyre coming up behind us quickly, you fail the flash over the wall Maybe you should get some defensive stats, defensive stats Dear Mr. Im Too Good To Buy A Banshees Veil Were getting focused harder than a child molestor sent to jail Your last flash stun combo was such an epic fail Didnt you notice that the guy you bursted had been ulted by Kayle?! You need to stand in the back and let the tanks soak the initial burst If youre going to be in front you really have to strike first I cant believe you missed them all with Tibbers again youre the worst We need to run away! Not that bush! Why do you check face first?!! Our team is raging hard and I cant say I really blame them Id report you too if I could you suck in so many ways here Ill name them Youre slow to react, no map awareness, your team dies you never save them You miss my spells somehow and theyre autolock you dont even aim them! Im done with this its obvious that youll never get better This was the worst experience, no enjoyment whatsoever Dont even bother trying to improve it would be such a pointless endeavor You should quit right now and uninstall this game forever credit goes to badministrator, the best league song writer in the universe
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:58:01 +0000

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