Dear Super Woman, What if you could turn down the volume on that - TopicsExpress


Dear Super Woman, What if you could turn down the volume on that critical voice in your head? You hear it, right? “You’re not doing enough… you should be doing more.” “Everyone else has it all figured out… what’s wrong with you?” “You are not pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough, smart enough…” “No one really loves you. You are unlovable. Damaged goods.” “It’s too late.” “Don’t even try… you’ll just fail.” What other BIG FAT LIES is it filling your head with? DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS VOICE IS?… Meet Your “Inner Mean Girl” This opinionated, super critical being has put herself in the driver’s seat of your life – and your mind — to show you all the ways in which you are not enough… don’t do enough… and don’t have enough. When she is in charge you get a big fat “F” – for Failing, Falling behind, and Feeling like you never measure up. She makes it so you never feel truly happy or loved for very long… She messes up your relationships and love life… She keeps your big dreams on the back burner or worse acts like a drill sergeant driving you to work super hard for some dream of a life you just can’t seem to get to. Here favorite games? Comparing You. Judging You. Setting Crazy Expectations. Driving You To Perfection. And we don’t have to tell you – none of this feels good. In fact it hurts. But don’t despair…you can overcome your Inner Mean Girl and her Big Fat Lies. innermeangirl/openhouse Christine Arylo
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:37:37 +0000

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