Dear Tea Party Patriot, We are in a crisis of mass - TopicsExpress


Dear Tea Party Patriot, We are in a crisis of mass proportions. In recent weeks we have been awash in fear and apprehension, even anger, as Obama opened the floodgates to tens and thousand illegal children from Central America. Already 50,000 illegal unaccompanied children have entered our country with more anticipated next year. Nearly one thousand a week cross our borders illegally. As Americans we will bear the brunt of the cost as illegals game the system. While we are compassionate beings and feel for the plight of these children who are government pawns, we also know that these illegals and the millions of others like them are overwhelming our system. We have laws and rules that everyone must abide by. This will break the back of America and cause her to collapse. This latest crisis has been weighing heavily on the minds of Americans. We have thought about it, discussed it at the dinner table and in conversations with friends. If there is one resounding cry it is: What can we do? There is a powerful solution that simply requires that you raise your voice and demand action: Send a PINK SLIP to Congress. It is of the utmost urgency that we send Congress the following PINK SLIP message now and not suggest but demand they put President Obama on notice and begin impeachment proceedings. If they dont? Come November, theyre fired. End of story. You can send your PINK SLIP warning for just $29.95. We will personalize it with your name and fax it into the offices of every member of the House and Senate so they can put the president on notice. Here is what it looks like: Pink Slip It is critical you let us send your personal PINK SLIP message to Congress today. There are things happening right now that demand action. They are frightening to the very core. Many do not know that the Obama administration is working to secretly enact a new rule that would force cities and towns into housing illegals. If this new regulation passes and Obama gets his way, the Department of Housing and Urban Development could simply waltz into any city or town and rezone an entire area claiming it doesnt have enough affordable housing for those that fall under protected status. As Patriots, WE understand this would be entirely illegal. The US Constitution grants no power to the federal government over local city planning or zoning. But like Obama and his administration did with Common Core, they plan to use the power of the almighty dollar—and a hidden agenda—to enforce it. Either accept it or you dont get the grant money. And who is the chief beneficiary of this regulation? The illegals, of course. We must not be fooled for one minute. This is not about Fair Housing. Its about a government power grab. Obamas government wants to force amnesty on us and they will do anything to do so. Send your PINK SLIP to every member of Congress today for just $29.95. We will personalize the fax with your name and fax it for you. All you have to do is say YES! Right now tens of thousands of illegal children are being covertly whisked into small towns and cities across the country. Yet our government will not disclose where these children are or even WHO they are. Obama promised to return them to Central America, but this is simply a bevy of more lies. Reliable sources and news reports show these children are being taken to many states, including Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Obamas puppets are hiding these children, making them so hard to find and so scattered across the US that it becomes extremely difficult to send them back, let alone find them. This is hardly transparency. Obama will lie to the American public as long as possible. Once we learn the truth, its too late. We have hit the point of no return. Your town or city could be the next target for operation illegal dump. It is of grave concern what it means to the safety of our neighborhoods and our country. If you are as concerned as we are then please, send your PINK SLIP to Congress today. Although the administration desperately tried to cover it up we now know that these illegals are riddled with diseases, infections and sickness. They are members of gangs. We know next to nothing about them. They could have been groomed as young terrorists for all we know. Dont you agree it is time for Obama to go? Together we have fought this long and hard and now it is time to put brutal force on Congress to end this reign of terror. Blast your PINK SLIP to Congress today. Tell every member of the House and Senate, WEVE HAD ENOUGH! PUT THE PRESIDENT ON NOTICE OR YOUR DAYS IN WASHINGTON ARE NUMBERED! Obama repeatedly ignores the Rule of Law, blatantly disregards our immigration laws and flat-out refuses to enforce them. When it comes to our borders he refuses to protect them. He is creating a crisis so vast, so dangerous it will overwhelm the system. It is as if there is a propaganda campaign going on in Central America where Obama is sending a message: Come to America. Get free health care, education, housing and even legal representation. Reuters recently quoted Jorge Ramon Hernandez, a representative of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, saying as long as immigration reform is not approved, “the exodus of children to the United States will continue.” Good people of the United States of America. We are being bullied, blackmailed and threatened by our own president as well as other countries trying to force us to grant amnesty. It is a travesty of epic proportions. Since when did we allow other countries to hold such power over us? Since Obama took office. His actions are more than just small transgressions. They are egregious and willful acts of tyranny, terrorism and crimes against the United States of America. We must stand up to it and fight! Obama owns this crisis. He created it by bending the immigration rules, instituting the Dream Act and allowing our borders to remain unsecured. He wants immigration reform—amnesty for illegals—and he will do anything to get it, including jeopardize our national security. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is pushing to bypass Obama and instead, have Congress do what it did to the IRS: pull the funding on federal agencies who are not doing their jobs and not enforcing strict controls on illegals. Gosar is suggesting that Congress bypass Obama and work directly with the state governors to restore security. They can do that but Congress has to have the power of the people, the power of true Patriots behind them. Please, send your PINK SLIP to Congress today. It is our turn to overwhelm them with messages that say, DO SOMETHING! HOW FAR ARE YOU WILLING TO LET OBAMA GO BEFORE HE DESTROYS OUR SOVEREIGNTY WITH THIS HUMANITARIAN CRISIS HE CREATED? IMPEACH HIM NOW OR YOURE OUT OF A JOB! ELECTIONS ARE COMING. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Given the urgency and seriousness of this matter we ask that you please act swiftly, with courage and without reserve. We Patriots must restore order, dignity and Rule of Law back to our great nation. Steve Eichler CEO Tea Party P.S. Hurry, the situation is grave and we need all Patriots to pull together and blast PINK SLIPS to Congress en masse. If they believe their position in Washington is threatened, they will act—as long as there is intense pressure. They will have no choice. Send your PINK SLIP today. Tell Congress IMPEACH OBAMA FOR ALL OF HIS EGREGIOUS ACTS. IF YOU DO NOT YOU WILL FALL IN THE COMING ELECTION! FORWARD This Email TO A FRIEND
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 03:33:12 +0000

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