Dear US Marshals. I, Gregory Williams, live in apartment B10 at - TopicsExpress


Dear US Marshals. I, Gregory Williams, live in apartment B10 at 370 Mansfield Street, go to school at 409 Prospect Street (Yale Divinity School) and am currently earning a stipend at 203 Rosette Street Amistad Catholic Worker). But you know all of this already. Ive told you every time that Ive encountered you or gone to the court. Which is why I am ever-so-surprised that you feel the need to seek out members of my family and send agents to their home to intimidate them, in hopes that I will be scared into complying with your orders as a result. You know what? Thats not going to work. I am not going to give in when you harass my friends or scare my family, because that would just encourage you to do it more every time I do something that you dont like. So, if you really want to charge me with contempt and try to throw me in jail for a year, go ahead and do it! But have the courage and decency to come to my work, my classes or my home to pick me up. Lets stop playing this game where you tell everyone in my life that you are after me but then never actually talk to *me.* You know where I am. Come and get me. And yes, I am just paranoid about government surveillance to believe that this might just cross the desk of the agents who visited my parents today.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:13:37 +0000

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