Dear Universe, could you please aid me in the manifestation of a - TopicsExpress


Dear Universe, could you please aid me in the manifestation of a new puppy? I so desperately need this now. It has been 3 years since Epic passed away and he was my emotional rock. I am so lost and lonely not having a furry companion at my side. I am finding it very difficult to manage emotionally with all the challenges that I am facing with so many great opportunities in front of me. I miss being able to talk to him, to share all my feelings with him and know that at no point would I ever be judged or have to walk on egg shells about sharing anything with him. He would be there to listen no matter what and he knew just the right faces to make to put a smile on my face when I needed it most. I have been living in Calgary for a year this Friday and have developed pretty much no personal relationships with anyone here. My two closest friends, I chose to go into business with and now feel that I have lost them as friends they used to be as the weights of a new business put more and more stress on our relationships. I have no one I can talk to, no one I can share my feelings with and not one to gain guidance from. I spend everyday working and working and working because that is what I know how to do best and the only way to fill the void I feel. I look forward to the day that this effort pays off and I find a place in this new community that I find myself in where I can share the fruits of my labor with friends and companions. I work so hard to create something that I can share with the community that has helped me to define the person that I am today. Every dollar, every hour, every effort goes to making this for others because it would be no fun to enjoy by myself. I starve myself and forfeit so many of my basic needs to keep this thing a float and I see a beautiful white light at the end of this tunnel nearing so soon. I never go see any of the friends that I do have here because I can barely even afford the bus to get to them and I dont want to be the person that has to rely on others charity just to enjoy their company. So I choose to work and work some more instead and I want so much more for my experience here. Hoping, praying, and just blind faith have carried me so far already and I just hope it can be enough to see me out of this pit of loneliness that I feel. Universe, sadly I feel I am reaching the brink of how far those 3 wings can carry me and I have no idea what to do or how to solve this other then to work some more. So Im begging of you to please send me a puppy to help me through this incredibly emotional and draining phase of my experience. Oh to just have those adoring eyes, so excited to see me when I enter the room, to take all the stress away, to shower me with unconditional love, understanding and empathy. I miss this bond so much, Epic you helped me to become so much more then I could have ever been without you. I miss you so much, I will never forget the day that I released your spirit on the farm. You were truly an amazing spirit guide and I would love for you to please revisit me again in the physical world and help guide me again. You have always been there even after you passed, I know you always will be. I just want you to know I need you now more then ever before. I would love for you to return to me in a new form to continue our bond. So please Universe, I ask it again. Can I have a new puppy.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:23:11 +0000

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