Dear Valuable Customers, once again let me start by apologizing to - TopicsExpress


Dear Valuable Customers, once again let me start by apologizing to all of you for the excess time we took to serve you food, we are working on it and In Sha ALLAH will solve it by next week. Now I would like to address certain reviews weve been getting from our respected customers. We would humbly like to mention that no matter what, you are always right, if you are complaining it’s because we are not being able to serve you properly, please pardon our rookie mistakes. However, we would like to clarify certain recurring complaints we are getting from our respected customers, hope it will help you understand why it is so. 1) Too much salt: we don’t use any salt in our food, whether it is sea salt or tasting salt/msg/ajinomoto, nothing at all. Since the sauces that we use contain ample amount of salt, we avoid extra salt for your health. The reason why one may sometimes find our food to be too salty or less salty is because of the absence of tasting salt which balances the salt in the food and makes the taste ” Dangerously” perfect. 2) Delay: we are working on it, since it’s not a proper restaurant, only street food, we cannot accommodate too many orders at a time and on top of that we are having a shortage of staff after the Eid. Plus every item on our menu takes 5- 7 minutes of cooking time (since we have to cook it from the scratch) and we have only two burners, I hope you understand. But yes In Sha ALLAH it will be solved by the end of next week, kindly please bear with us for the time being. 3) Taste bud: a very critical part indeed, dear respected customers, No we cannot satisfy all your taste buds, it is not humanely possible, as it varies from person to person, culture to culture, and we’ve declared that the food we are trying to sell here is authentic Chinese, which in no way is similar to what we get in our local Bangladeshi Chinese restaurants (nor it is Hakka). 4) Thickness of Rice and amount of soy sauce: another burning issue, yes dear respected customers we use odorless rice for our egg, chicken and beef fried rice, (please refer to point 3) this is how authentic Chinese fried rice is supposed to be cooked, believe me I’ve done my research before opening the cart. As for too much soy sauce, once again it’s our customized taste buds, for the love of local bangla Chinese fragrant (polao er chaal) rice cooked with less soy sauce which gets substituted by the smell of the rice and cooked to perfection with the remedy of tasting salt. And we assure you it is not Chinese fried rice, and I humbly apologize once again for not selling that. However, if you want fragrant rice kindly order mixed or sea food fried rice, which should satisfy your taste buds less the tasting salt. Would like to add a bit by saying keeping ALLAH (SWT) as my witness, I serve you food that’s fresh and Halaal ( as far as I can clarify, and ALLAH knows best), since I have to answer to HIM and HIM only if I do otherwise. And your health is and will always be my primary concern for my food to be branded as Halaal. As Salam Walaikum Wok & Fire
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:30:26 +0000

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