Dear Voter Participation Center, I got my Voting Report Card in - TopicsExpress


Dear Voter Participation Center, I got my Voting Report Card in the mail today from you stating that my score is Below Average. I’m sure that most of America is Below Average. I want to vote, but I have no idea who to vote for. I don’t have the slightest idea where to find out quickly and without prejudice who the candidates are, what they stand for, what they are for or against, and how each of those decisions might affect myself, the state or the country. I’ll bet that most of America as myself, simply don’t have the time to put into the research necessary to make an informed decision. I work from home 9 hours a day 5 days a week then when I’m not having to chase after/feed/take care of the kids and my husband or cleaning/working on the house, I’m working some more to try to make ends meet and make a future for our family. My husband works a minimum of 70 hours a week at his job and simply doesnt have the time or energy to put into it either. When I have voted, from what I recall there are presidents/senators/house representatives/Judges and a couple of laws/taxes to vote on. Without knowledge on the people that are to be voted for, a true informed vote cannot be had, it is simply filling in the blanks, which isnt fair to anyone. I typically vote for the guy I never heard of, simply because I don’t like the democrats or republicans because of all of their disparaging commercials. Even the commercials that arent trying to make the other guy look bad, have a knack for doing just that when you read between the lines. However I know that voting for the unknown guy isnt the right thing to do either. That guy might be a terrorist for all I know. However, I also know that one of the democrat or republicans is going to win, they always do. I have to believe it is because NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE VOTING ON. When it comes to the laws/taxes that we have to vote on, I only want to vote for part of it. The primary goal of the law/tax might be good and worth voting yes lets have, however those darn politicians add other non-essential items to it, which then makes the law/tax no longer worth saying yes to because all the added unnecessary additions are so terrible. If you want myself and others to vote more often, you need to figure out a way to make it quick and easy for us to find out FACTS about what we are voting on. An idea, instead of sending us our report card on how often we vote (we know how often we vote), why not instead be more efficient with your spending and send out a comparison report with definitions for us to read, so that we can make an informed decision when we do vote. For example, take a look at any car dealerships or computer sales website. You choose the car/computers that you think you like and then hit compare and the website then gives you the details of each car/computer compared to the other one in columns and rows so it’s nice and easy to tell what each of them has. Do the same thing for the people and laws that we have to vote on. Have all the people on the ballot fill out a questionnaire with short simple to the point answers (mostly yes’s and no’s) and then put them into a spreadsheet so that we can easily compare. If the candidates want additional questions, add them, but make sure everyone answers them. But keep this simple, DO NOT make it complicated or over spend on doing this. One person ought to be able to accomplish this task in a day or two once they have the questionnaires back from the candidates. Simply input the information into the spreadsheet. Then post the spreadsheet online. It doesnt have to be pretty or have thousands of dollars spent on a special website to do it. Just use excel and post it or print it, THEN, LET US KNOW WHERE IT IS! Use a postcard instead of a letter, save some postage, that it’s self will more than pay for the payroll of the person who puts it together. And remember to keep it at or below an 9th grade reading/comprehension level as that is the average for the country. At most I might have an hour I can spend toward making a decision and that hour will likely be used the day of or possibly the day before voting, as I am positive is the case for most of the rest of working class Americans. As the information I need to make an informed/educated decision to vote is not collectively available, I’m left with a decision. Do I vote and just fill in blanks because I know nothing about any of the candidates or the laws/taxes being voted on, or Do I choose not to vote. Those of us with below average voting scores like myself simply choose not to vote, because frankly since I don’t know what I’m voting on anyway, why should I waste my very precious and valuable time voting when I can be working or taking care of the family/house instead. Please pass my letter along. I took time out of my day that I simply don’t have to write it. However, I do feel strongly that we all should vote, most of us just don’t have the necessary time available to do the proper research to make that vote. Sincerely, Working Class America
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:28:32 +0000

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