Dear Women in our communityThe Jewish community along with all - TopicsExpress


Dear Women in our communityThe Jewish community along with all South Africans is deeply concerned forthe health of our precious Madiba.We have a custom in our community that when someone we love is seriouslyill, the women in our community bake Challot in the person’s honour. Ithas deep symbolic value, with each ingredient having a meaning.In the Jewish Faith it is a common tradition that when someone falls illgroups of women gather together and bake holy and spiritually infused breadcalled Challah. This tradition dates back thousands of years where it iswritten in the bible -"Give of the first yield of your dough to the priestso that all the blessings may enter and rest upon your home". In ourtradition we are taught that bread is the only food that can sustain manalone. The reason being is that bread can only be made with the partnershipof man and G-D. You can’t pick it off a tree or collect it from a river yetwhen one takes the raw wheat and toils to refine it that is what createsthe basis for the food that can sustain man. So too with healing andbringing blessings down into the world, G-d is the ultimate healer but webelieve we have to use all our human power to partner in bringing down thatblessing down into this world and we are given a channel- challa.We would like to bake Challot for this Shabbat in honour of Tata Madiba.Graca Machel’s office acknowledged the “deep meaning of the project” andasked that the Challot be delivered to an Old Aged home. We have selecteda home in Alexandra. As the Jewish community we have a large dept ofgratitude to Madiba for his vision and fortitude and would like to see usall coming together in tribute and in prayer for this truly great man.There are two ways you can be involved:1. *Communal Challah baking THIS EVENING at Emunah. *Venue : 60 Mejon Street, GlenhazelTime: 19:00Donation R50 which covers costs of ingredientsPlease contact Robyn Smookler for further details 07219923932. *Bake Challot at home* and deliver them tomorrow morning before10am to the Security guards at Beyachad, 2 ElrayStreet, Raedene for attention Wendy Kahn/Jenni Fearnley, SAJBDYou are welcome to include a note encapsulating your thoughts and prayersfor Madiba.Please forward this mail to other ladies who may be interested in beinginvolved in this meaningful initiative.Also please let us know if you’d like to accompany us to Alexandra todeliver the Challot.*Regards** **Wendy Kahn**National Director* : *011 645 2570* Fax : *011 6401662 / 086 6146692** [email protected] + *PO Box 87557 Houghton 2041*
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:48:58 +0000

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