Dear Working Class CONservatives, Its time to face the facts. - TopicsExpress


Dear Working Class CONservatives, Its time to face the facts. Republicans are just not that into you! You will NEVER become a billionaire working 3 uniquely American non-union, low wage, no benefit jobs... and a billionaire will never meet you for a beer no matter how much you parrot their talking points. In fact, billionaires and their politician pets LOATHE YOU more than they loathe regular, non-Republican (normal) working people. Why, you ask? Because youre a SUCKER - a willing dupe in your own demise - and no grifter has respect for their mark. Fact is, you make it SOOO easy for them. All they have to do is tickle your inherently-racist, willfully-ignorant, funny bone, and you eagerly bend over and give banksters, plutocrats and their politician pets a willing ride to the bank on your back. Youre a joke... and a lost cause. So keep pining for a billionaire to trickle on you - and we normal people will continue to evolve without you. Frankly, its a testament to liberalism that even you dumb CONS will benefit from the fruits of our labors, though you have always been the albatrosses around our collective necks. So... you can keep crying liberals are bad as you collect your Social Security - and well keep working to rebuild the American working class back to its post-New Deal, pre-Reaganomics glory, despite CONservative anchors weighing us down. Onwards and upwards, America! NEVER backwards!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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