Dear Zane, I am a gay black male. I am currently in a - TopicsExpress


Dear Zane, I am a gay black male. I am currently in a relationship with a former co-worker who Id become very friendly with. Well to get to the point, we stayed together for several months and after the fifth month he began displaying signs of control. Hed demand where I was going, what I was doing, and who was around me at all times. I grew tired of his controlling ways and so I ended our relationship. To this day he send numerous text messages pertaining to he and I giving us another shot. My question right now is: Should I give him anotjer chance? MY RESPONSE: Nope, no more damn chances. He had his chance and he acted a fool. You do not need to be in a controlling relationship because men will abuse other men. You need to read a book that I published a long time ago. It is a true eye-opener. Do not go backwards into a dark ravine that you already mananged to crawl out of once. amazon/Passion-Marks-Novel-Lee-Hayes/dp/1593090064/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1384815014&sr=1-1&keywords=passion+marks+lee+hayes
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 22:50:46 +0000

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