Dear Zane Im a young black male college student and I need some - TopicsExpress


Dear Zane Im a young black male college student and I need some advice. Last year 2013 was a rough year for my family and I lost 12 family members of my immediate family my brother,2 uncles aunt,7 cousins, and my grandmother on Thanksgiving. I failed the semester I guess . it was to much for me while in school. But my dilemma is I havent paid my rent in 4 months i was paying it with my scholarship money as of right now Im broke. I prayed to God the first month my rent was due. I told God I dont have anything and I dont have any money to pay rent and I need your help God. So every month I have been having a zero balance on my rent utilities are included and the same thing has been happening for every month. I asked my landlord and they say I dont owe anything. Every time I get doubt I hear a voice in my head say stop worrying I got this under my control, I told my homeboys that I think its God but they say its just cause I got faith, But i wanna know should i move out because Im 8 hours from home and Im not for-sure how a eviction works. every-time I come home I wonder am I going to get evicted or can my landlord put my things out without any notice. Yesterday I packed all my belongings because I was afraid and that same voice spoke to me again and said stop worrying what should I do. MY RESPONSE: I am so sorry that you have lost so many people that you love. My heart breaks for you and that is a lot to deal with. Do not feel bad about your grades slipping. You are stronger than most people regardless. With that being said, if the landlord says that you owe no rent, have faith that you will pull through this and try to pay your rent next month. They cannot put anything out without an eviction notice and a time period for you to catch up. God is truly looking out for you. Make it worth His while by getting an education and figuring out a way to make some income. You had a scholarship to college so that means you are the man. I a proud of you and I love you and you will get through this. If it comes down to an eviction, you will have time but do not wait for that. Get some money together somehow so you can be prepared for whatever happens.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 00:24:32 +0000

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