Dear Zane, i called the cops on my so a couple months ago. he - TopicsExpress


Dear Zane, i called the cops on my so a couple months ago. he is being charged with dv i told them about aprevious incident but did not tell them he was restrainig me so i would calm down. i did notmetnion it this time either. now they want me to go to court for pretrail. i feel it doesnt matter if i go or not because they only see me as a victim they see me trying to help him cause they think hes forcing me to. he hasnever gotten introuble before and htey wnat to persue felony charges. i just want this to be over and start a family . he fighting it because he does not think he did anyting wrong. whcih is true the only thing he did was break my windows which is not acceptable but itshould be a valdalsim charge not dv. that is why i called the cops to beign with buti was so mad i just said everything else and said things to get him in trouble. i hate being preganatn i feel like im just losing control of myself and everythign around me. i really dotn htink anyone cares whati have to say they focused on him being charged. i need to calm down. i cant even sleep. and im depressed all the time. i just want him to lay with me all the time becaus eim getting so depressed about it all. our baby is coming in dec. and life is truly falling part. i just wish i dealt with it without the police that i controlled my anger more. MY RESPONSE: Let me clarify this for those who are going to act like they do not understand your email. Two months ago, you called the police on your SO-significant other-and he was charged with domestic violence. You told them about a previous incident but did not tell them that he was actually restraining you so that you would calm down out of you own anger. You neglected to mention both times that you had something to do with the outbursts and this time he broke your windows but did not actually put his hands on you. Out of spite, you lied and told them that he was beating on you while you are pregnant-baby due in December. Now you have regrets because the prosecutor is actually doing his or her job based on evidence and charging him with a felony. They want you to come testify against him because he decided to fight the charge instead of taking a plea agreement that would be on his record for life, even though he has never been in trouble with the law before. You are depressed, cant sleep, and want him there with you and you want help to control your anger. Young Lady, this is a very bad situation indeed. He may or may not beat the charge in court but his arrest record will still be there. While he should not have broken the windows, at least he redirected his anger to inanimate objects instead of physically attacking you while you are carrying his child. I am not making any excuses for his behavior but you flat-out lied on him and now he is facing prison time. The judge and jury members will hear about him beating on a pregnant female and they will try him whether you testify against him or not. What you need to do is be honest and let the chips fall. You lied to the authorities and need to come clean. They may not believe you, though, and you will have to see how this plays out. Good luck but either way this cookie crumbles, this is a toxic relationship. Let me know what happens.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:55:03 +0000

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