Dear abroad friends, I’m so sorry for not having written to you - TopicsExpress


Dear abroad friends, I’m so sorry for not having written to you all this time. It was a long and heavy winter. Yes, I worked for an English school or academy, though It wasn’t very rewarding since what they demanded was far more than teaching and they didn’t even thank me for that. So It was really stressing, I got a bit skinny and I didn’t even eat properly since the salary wasn’t great. On the other hand, we went through Dany’s medical problem from New Year’s Eve in hospital to April when he was operated and May in which he luckily and completely recovered. All this mixed with delays in Dany’s salary and mine in May and June. And all this mixed with Dany’s father getting worse of his lung phibrosis disease. Finally, the whole 2013 panorama got dark two and a half weeks ago, 8thAugust when Dany’s father passed away. Well, we are still struggling but trying to find a practical solution and now, more than ever convinced that the best idea is starting a new life out of Spain. It’s not so easy, since I don’t know if my company is still counting on me or no- personally their delay and financial problems make me think not- and I didn’t apply at a proper moment- the course is starting in short time. It’s also not easy because our flat is not easy to rent at these times in Spain and I should get a very good salary abroad to pay for the mortgage as well; and I think that’s going to be difficult. However, I applied for Ecuador, since they need teachers and they would pay my/our accommodation and other expenses-still It’s a long/medium term option, maybe some months until we get a proper reply. Moreover, I thought in Germany, Holland-since for Dany and Diana would be easier to adapt, although apparently they are also entering the “crisis frame” or even coming back to England although accommodation is quite expensive. Sweeden, Norway and Finland are apparently far expensive and very strict with the language and inmigration; and I have heard of Spaniards becoming beggars in the middle of the snow- I think I could manage here, with a poor diet, if that was the only option. Now, my dear abroad friends, I ask you for any idea anything that you can observe in your countries. Maybe I could go on my own and teach some Spanish living in a shared flat and try to look for a job for Dany. Maybe I should start applying to all the councils or private schools in England and see…., What do you think? We are a bit desperate; maybe they still count on me in my ex- company-this week I’ll finally know-but I know it will be bad or delay salary and maybe in some months the company is getting bankrupt. Give me some light dear friends, some opinions, they are all welcome and sorry for not keeping touch but as Dany said: “this was a year to forget about”. A big hug for you all. Ele.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 19:45:24 +0000

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