Dear all, At last, after the long wait, this documentary is - TopicsExpress


Dear all, At last, after the long wait, this documentary is finally coming to Singapore cinemas this August. What would you do when you realize that the beauty of our mother earth is being devastated rapid day-by-day by the wrought of people living and depending on her? He is not a celebrity. Nobody knew about him before. He is just like you and I, an ordinary family man working as a civil servant. He was only 3 years away from his retirement to enjoy a comfortable retirement pension. But deep in his heart, he can no longer wait and bear the scene and the dire status of the mother land that he saw. He knew he ought to show people what he saw. His aim is never to criticize anyone but to touch the audiences with the beauty of their homeland and to show them the sadness that we all faces. He wants to create a documentary that present his homeland from 400 meters above to his peoples. When his emotions finally outweighed his rational mind, he painfully submitted his resignation to start working on his dream. Yet to fulfil his dream, he needs a USD $700,000 camera equipment and to pay for the costly helicopter rents. All these add up to few millions of production costs. He decided to mortgage his house to apply for bank loans. His family were worried. When his son ask him if his tertiary education is going to be sacrificed, he feels sad but assured him that he will look after them. He finally flew above his homeland to shoot the documentary with the equipment he had gotten. But never did he expect that all the money exhausted within few days of shooting from above yield only a 6 minutes cut. He realized that he simply lacks professional training and an experience production crew to support him. Left with no penny, he took the 6 minutes cuts everywhere to find investors. After being rejected for countless of times, he finally met his major investor - the CEO of Delta Electronic Inc who is touched by his courage and passion to protect the environment of their homeland. Thankfully, he also found the production crew who is willing to support his dream. Eventually, when the documentary finally screened in the Stadiums and Cinemas of Taiwan, countless of audiences are brought to tears. They are touched by the tremendous beauty of their homeland, but at the same time and for the first time, seeing the unbearable sadness of their homeland from above. The impact of the documentary was so big that Taiwan people demands the government to punish the polluting factories and to stop and reconsider many land use projects. As a result, we saw in the news last year that several CEOs were caught, including the CEO of a major IC Chip maker. 16 land-use projects are being stopped and reconsidered. When this documentary is premiered in US and Europe film festivals, many audiences are brought to tears as well. When journalists ask the audiences why they shed tears over the environmental issues faced by another country, many audiences replied unanimously, This is not a problem of Taiwan. This is the problem of our Mother Earth in which we all live in and rely on. What happens there, happens here too... Taiwan from Above Trailer 1:《看見台灣》正式預告 電影11月1日全台上映 youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=dZ5-RcVIizU Premier at Taipei and Kaoshiong Stadiums...that was the night when people begin to realize...《看見台灣》幕後花絮 - 聽見.看見 youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=bWQfvvkzhGs Taiwan from Above Trailer 2:『換個高度 守護美麗台灣』台灣阿布電影 youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Gdr2mr0G4Kc Google Earth and the Hero behind the camera Chih Po-Lin: 齊柏林 齊柏林:高空捕捉台灣之美 youtube/watch?list=PLRBYuqWMtoJIyxchHwtE9uqmiej5dMV2A&v=8scgJBG_kgQ&feature=player_detailpage Interview the Hero behind the camera: TVBS 看板人物 齊柏林看見台灣 幕後 youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=JGnp7qUJ9Jg Last but not least, the beautiful music that you hear in the documentary is composed and conducted by Singapore Internationally award-winning Film Composer - Ricky Ho. The soundtrack for this documentary has already received numerous international awards. 看見台灣原聲帶 - 家園 OUR LAND Beyond Beauty - Taiwan From Above OST .《看見台灣》幕後花絮 - 東西方樂章 youtube/watch?v=HbT2mC2XV-A&list=PLfXw2PylyD0Xm1rO3RmHNxTuNS0tA81tO
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 11:18:40 +0000

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