Dear all, I cant express my gratitude in words for all of you - TopicsExpress


Dear all, I cant express my gratitude in words for all of you who have remembered and wished me happy birthday this year WITHOUT FBs REMINDER!!! ❤️❤️❤️Yeah this is hashtaged as #summerbabiespain , explained as everyone is on vacation, you are the loner, so suck it up! Well I have to admit it, it has always been my feeble side, when that feeling of oblivion strikes and when Solitary cards become your remedy. However, I know that I have a load of cheerful, caring, considerate, awesome, appreciable, magnificent and influential people who express their affection in different ways, some explicitly, others implicitly, and the rest... In their own funkily creative and adorable ways xD THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CARE AND FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE FOR ME! I know its getting long and you wanna scroll down your newsfeed but just one more second ;) In order to celebrate my official entrance in the second decade of my life, I have decided to join the 100happydays challenge, in which you try your best everyday, for 100 consecutive days, to post a picture of what has made you truly happy on that day !!! (More info here: 100happydays) Everyone is welcome to join me, and please do, for I believe that the process to discover happiness is a mean to fully live your life, by being grateful for all you have! Please tag me in your first and last post, and of course whenever you want!! Last but not least, happy happy day to everyone!!! PS: thank you Susan Zhou, who has inspired me for this challenge :DD Best wishes, Dian #100happydays #day1
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 02:48:16 +0000

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