Dear all Khmer nationalists and compatriots Hun Sen, traitor and - TopicsExpress


Dear all Khmer nationalists and compatriots Hun Sen, traitor and Puppet of Hanoi, didn’t dare to respect Paris Peace Agreement and has insolently and meaninglessly responded under hypnosis that all content of treaty had been put in Khmer Constitution. Transitional National Council (TNC) would like to inform Khmer nation that Paris Agreement is not the liquid or cereals to be put in the bottles or baskets. Two vital, public and open questions of Khmer nation and Transitional National Council (TNC) are: Why king Sihamoni, Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy haven’t take initiative to cancel bilateral treaties of 1979, 1982, 1983 et 1985 ? Why have they established and voted an additive treaty in 2005 ? At the Demo in Paris, at Human Rights Place of Trocadéro, Transitional National Council (TNC), has urged Khmer nation to rise up together from October 23, 2014, to put Hanoi out of Cambodia, chase Hun Sen from power and claim Cambodia’s independence. Indeed, Vietnam hasn’t respected Paris Peace Agreement, but it continues to deliberately violate it since 1991, to consolidate its colonization in Cambodia under international community’s nose. China and Vietnam were the signatories of Paris Agreement of October 23, 1991 of which France and Indonesia were the two co-presidents. To claim Cambodia’s Independence, to topple Hun Sen and other traitors from power in order to joy democracy, Khmer people have to rise up themselves and not let current and thief NA and Government to consolidate Vietnamese colonization until the end of this 5th legislative mandate by 2018! Like Burkinabe army and People to topple President Blaire Compaore. Otherwise current Khmer nation will be condemned by their next generation over collective laxness: one putrid fish in the basket and the basket will be thrown as the whole bad. If Khmer Nation wouldn’t rise up , nor puppet King Sihamoni nor Hun Sen, Kem Sokha, Sam Rainsy would do it in their places to claim Cambodia’s independence! Khmer nation have to chase traitors from power and not to respect thief AN and thief Prime Minister Hun Sen. The nation have to rise up as tsunami demonstration in Khmer lotus revolution until final victory. Liberation of the motherland must not be considered as terrorism! Here above are issues and goals developed at the demo in Paris organized by Transitional National Council (TNC). These above questions are based on the artile 1 of Paris Peace Agreement stating: Article l 1. Cambodia hereby solemnly undertakes to maintain, preserve and defend its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality, and national unity; the perpetual neutrality of Cambodia shall be proclaimed and enshrined in the Cambodian constitution to be adopted after free and fair elections. 2. To this end, Cambodia undertakes: (……..). d) To terminate treaties and agreements which are incompatible with its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality, and national unity? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year KLR Team/khmerlotusrevolution PP Dec 20, 2014 POLITICAL ANALYSIS, វិភាគនយោបាយ Pourquoi le roi Sihamoni, Hun Sen et Sam Rainsy n’ont-ils pas pris d’annuler des traités de 1979, 1982, 1983 et 1985 ? Why didn’t king Sihamoni, Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy want to annul the traits of 1979, 1983 and 1985? PP Dec 13, 2014
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 04:33:04 +0000

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