Dear all, On 22nd July, 2013, Mrs. Hansa Roy, an animal lover and - TopicsExpress


Dear all, On 22nd July, 2013, Mrs. Hansa Roy, an animal lover and a Co-opted Member of the Animal Welfare Board of India, filed an FIR (II208/13) at the Gotri police station, Baroda against the residents of the Sreenathji Society, Isckon Temple Road, and the staff of the DTD garbage van (GJ 6 XX 7681) run on contract by the Municipal Corporation of Baroda. They had cornered and battered a dog to death and had tied the legs of two other dogs with strings, dragged and thrown them into the DTD garbage van for removal. The events were as follows: On 18.7.2013, at 4 pm Mrs. Roy had rushed to the rescue when an SOS call was placed by two women residents of Shreenathji Society informing her about a DTD garbage van that had come to dispose off the dogs. The dogs were offloaded by the DTD staff once they were informed by Mrs. Roy that the police was arriving. Seeing the dogs being offloaded, the residents of the society came out to protest and surrounded Mrs. Roy. In the melee, the dogs were reloaded and the van quietly left from the scene. Of the two identified culprits (Lalit Rohit, Bipin Desai), Lalit Rohit was taken to the Gotri police station immediately by the police as Mrs. Roy went to the police station to file a complaint. Meanwhile, the two ladies who had informed Mrs. Roy, have been indirectly issued threats of disrobing and molestation from the other residents. The police are hell-bent on knowing from Mrs. Roy, the name of the two ladies (so that they can be forced to withdraw by the residents and the case dies down) despite the presence of Mrs. Roy as a witness to the wrongdoings of the residents in the form of animal cruelty and misbehaviour. The police complaint was converted into an FIR on 22nd July, 2013 on the following grounds under sections 428, 429, 504 and 506 IPC: the residents indulged in barbaric acts of cruelty on dogs by killing one and reloading the other two dogs in the van and dislocating them, misbehaving with Mrs. Roy not only in their housing society, but also at the police station and threatening the whistleblowers of molesting them in public. The PSI says that he can’t arrest the residents. Only the DTD van staff was arrested (27th July) and was later produced in the Magistrate Court (28th July, on a Sunday?), where they confessed that they only killed the dogs and no resident of the society was involved. Now the question is, on whose call they went to pick up the dogs? Their duty is collection of garbage only. And why did they indulged in senseless brutal killing of a dog and cruelly removing the other two? Are the four men such hardened criminals? The DTD van staff, four in number, were paid a sum of three hundred rupees by the residents of Shreenathji society for dog killing and removal. It is anyone’s imagination of the state of happiness of the DTD staff if they have been promised a sum of 5k or 10k to keep their mouths shut. The residents are being allowed to go Scot free. It is a request to the animal welfare fraternity to pour in support and request the authorities to arrest the society residents who have very conveniently protected themselves with money power. The police official handling the case is PSI Shri R .D. Choudhary (M: 9586222902) and the Incharge Gotri police station PI Shri Banker is (M: 9825026603). You can also write to the Commissioner of Police, Baroda at [email protected] You may also want to sign the petition thanks and regards, Kuhu Roy 9898468153 Article 51-A(g) of the Indian Constitution states -"It shall be duty of every citizen of India to protect & improve the natural environment including forests,lakes,rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures."
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 09:16:48 +0000

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