Dear all, On January 07, 2015, in front of Vietnamese Embassy in - TopicsExpress


Dear all, On January 07, 2015, in front of Vietnamese Embassy in Paris, Khmer community in France will protest, from 14:00 to 18:00, to signify Hanoi to quit Cambodia immediately, in virtue of Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991. Indeed, cancer of Viet colonization in Cambodia has been on its state of generalized and advanced action. Khmer people must wake up and declare by themselves the cancellation of all bilateral treaties of 1979, 1982, 1983 et 1985 and 2005 , to recover independence of Cambodia, enjoy human rights and democracy. They have to wake up in tsunami using nationwide boycott and non-cooperation against puppet Hun Sen CPP regime in order to stop colonization of Cambodia initiated since January 07, 1979 . Liberation of the Fatherland isn’t terrorism! Put Vietnamese colonizers out of Cambodia for independence must not be considered as racism! In his official visit in Cambodia from 23 to 24 December 2014, Vietnam’s President Truong Tan Sang has met Chea Sim, CPP’s President and president of Senate, Heng Samrin, President of current Thief Nat. Assembly and Hun Sen, Thief Prime Minister … to enjoin them to ensure security of millions of illegal Vietnamese living in Cambodia. Why didn’t he withdraw all them from Cambodia in virtue of Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991? Khmer People shouldn’t let Vietnamese aggressors quietly live on their soil and annex frontier territory and the isles of Cambodia! Since his accession to the throne, king Sihamoni has granted khmer nationality to these colonizers and honored them with khmer medals of high rank. Truong Tan Sang has formally discussed with khmer leaders to strengthen bilateral relations in economic, commercial and entrepreneurial exchanges and overviewed situations of the two countries in the region. Suspected bilateral relations between the two countries have dated since 1967. In this political chaos, Hanoi and traitors CPP Hun Sen have issued all out arrests of activists and politicians (in which Tep Vanny, Meach Sovannara, Tep Narin…), forcing monks (like Son Hay, Thach Sang, Khit Vannak…) to defrock and put them in Prey Sar Prison (18 persons). Many of them have begun hunger strike. Eight prisoners have been fallen gravely ill by continuing their hunger strike. King Sihamoni, as chairman of Supreme Court of Magistrate has just sent a letter to Justice minister Ang Vung Vathana to probe into judicial procedure carried out by investigation judge of Phnom Penh, Keo Mony, without presence of Uk Pich Sam Nang’s lawyer. Mr.Surya Subedi, the U.N.’s special envoy on human rights in Cambodia, called on the country’s judiciary to exercise its authority independently of external forces.“ It saddens me to see the courts being used again and again as a tool of the executive,” said Subedi, who has been in his current position since March 2009, and will step down in January 2015. Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991 is still in effect since 23 years stipulating that Cambodia must be independent and enjoy democracy. King Sihamoni, Hun Sen et Sam Rainsy… didn’t dare cancel khmer-Viet treaties of 1979, 1982, 1983, 1985 and the additive treaty of 2005. They have been playing comedy and prestidigitation to cheat Khmer public opinion and serve Vietnamese colonization in CambodiaIn virtue of this Paris Peace Agreement, Khmer Nation have right to wake up by millions to declare by themselves cancellation of all khmer-Viet treaties including treaty 2005 for recovering Cambodia’s independence, ensuring respect of Human Rights and living democracy. Hanoi has been continuing to deliberately violate Paris Peace Agreement since 1991, to consolidate colonization of Cambodia under international community’s nose. To claim Cambodia’s Independence, to topple Hun Sen and other traitors from power in order to enjoy democracy , khmer people have to rise up by themselves and not let current thief National Assembly and Government to consolidate Vietnamese colonization until the end of this 5th legislative mandate by 2018! If khmer Nation wouldn’t rise up , nor puppet King Sihamoni nor Hun Sen, Kem Sokha, Sam Ransy would do it in their places to claim Cambodia’s independence! Why king Sihamoni, Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy have not taken initiative to cancel Khmer- Viet treaties of 1979, 1982, 1983 et 1985 ? Why have they voted additive treaty in 2005 to validate those old treaties? This question was openly and publicly put on October 23, 2014 by Khmer nation and Transitional National Council (TNC). It remains without response since more than a month : Transitional National Council (TNC) has organized a Demo on November 23, 2014, in front of Khmer Embassy in Paris, France, to denounce treason of Puppet King Sihamoni, thief Prime Minister Hun Sen and thieves Khmer Government and National Assembly. The above question is based on the article 1 of Paris Peace Agreement: Article l 1. Cambodia hereby solemnly undertakes to maintain, preserve and defend its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality, and national unity; the perpetual neutrality of Cambodia shall be proclaimed and enshrined in the Cambodian constitution to be adopted after free and fair elections. 2. To this end, Cambodia undertakes: (……..). d) To terminate treaties and agreements which are incompatible with its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality, and national unity. Cambodians must to open their eyes into Problems such as Khmer Leaders’ Treason, Cambodia’s Territorial Integrity, Land Concessions, Environmental Pollution, Vietnamizatiion of Khmer Administration, Vietnamese Settlers. They are Sources of Innumerable Problems such as the Lack and the Loss of Employment, Anarchy and Social Insecurity, Social Inequalities, Corruption, Public Health, Youth Jobless, Rigged Elections due to Presence of Vietnamese Holders of Electoral Cards, Racial and Cultural Row etc… Hun Sen Dares not throw Millions of Illegal Viet Settlers out of Cambodia alike Gen. Prayuth Chan O-Cha against Illegal Khmer Migrants! To achieve this Goal, Cambodians have to Topple Hun Sen. Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, cannot change anything in the 5th thief current legislature of this puppet kingdom. After CNRP’s entry in National Assembly, Sar Kheng, minister of Interior, has advertised all out calling illegal Viet settlers to subscribe for census and payment of 25 000 riels ( about more than 6$US) to have right to live in quite legality in Cambodia. Google has suggested Cambodia has lost its area of 35 km sq. (181 000 km sq. instead of 181 035 km sq. as recently). Vietnam has gained 490 km sq. (331 741km sq. instead of 331 210 km sq. as recently). Var Kim Hong and Quick Reaction Unit didn’t dare respond to khmer journalists. Have Vietnamese been friends of Khmer people or are they Khmer People’s ancestral enemies? Since more than 63 years, Hanoi was so determined to build Indochina under its domination setting Cambodia and Laos under Vietnamese political and military domination. At the beginning of this 21st century, Vietnam still continues to trample Khmer and international laws to deceive Cambodia and its people. CPP’s Hun Sen, Chea Sim et Heng Sam Rin were betraying their fatherland by permitting new line of borders inside Cambodia’s land and authorizing illegal Vietnamese migrants to settle in Cambodia Angry and Exasperated Demonstrators have Burned Viet Flag in front of Viet Embassy in Phnom Penh and expressed their Rights to freedom of demonstration, forcing departure of Viet invaders to quit Cambodia and then stop all interference in internal khmer affairs in virtue of Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991, which Vietnam was the signatory one guaranteeing Independence, Integrity of Cambodia and Democracy. Hanoi has ordered Heng Samrin not to tolerate new hostile protests. More than 36 years after Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, and more than 23 years after Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991, Hanoi has achieved all its main ambitions, due to bilateral treaties of 1979, 1982, 1983, 1985 and the additive treaty of 2005, by the coup of July 5-6, 1997, the replacement of 2/3 vote system by the 50%+1, and due to rigged elections of 1998, 2003, 2008 and 2013. After 5 straight mandates of Hun Sen’s rule, the figures of illegal Vietnamese shoot off and top several millions. Sam Rainsy, the new traitor, has recently declared his approval to grant khmer citizenship to 250 thousands Vietnamese illegal settlers. Khmer People’s will is the Step-down of Hun Sen and the End of Vietnamese Colonization in Cambodia! CNRP was caught in the Trap put by Vietnamese, Chinese and Khmer Rouge Communists. By Tricks of CPP, new Legislative Elections will be Held by Hun Sen CPP only by 2018, allowing Thief Hun Sen to Continue his new 5th Mandate as if nothing had happened. Khmer Nation Must wage Khmer Lotus Revolution until Final Victory! In Virtue of Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991, it’s Time for Khmer Nation to take their Destiny in their Hands, Rise Up, Sacrifice, Chase Vietnamese Colonization from Cambodia and Overthrow Dictator Hun Sen, for Independence, Liberty and Democracy! In the same time, Khmer Nation has to appoint Transitional National Council (TNC) as National High Representative to run Cambodia to recover its independence, ensure respect of Human Rights and live democracy. There will be New Elections after Lotus Revolution’s Victory, after Adopting new Regime, Installing Independent Institutions for Free Elections: Under the Rule of Transitional National Council (TNC)! Within the period of 2 or 3 years. Cambodia and its People will Win: their Demands (Independence, Liberty and Democracy…) are Legitime…Only Tsunami Demo, Non-Cooperation, Strikes and Generalized and Permanent Civil Disobedience could Save Cambodia! Cambodian People, Military and Youth! It’s time to Wake Up! And Wage Khmer Lotus Revolution! In the Frame of Transitional National Council (TNC), not under the will of any Political Party. By Exerting National and International Pressures, By Blocking all khmer administration, infrastructure, Functioning of Thief National Assembly and Thief Government ….They should wage war of liberation by all means! As Burkinabe Army and People do! All Together, We Will Win! Best regards Thanks by OU chal ( Khmer Lotus Revolution) KLR TEAM/khmerlotusrevolution Paris Jan 9, 2015
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 02:20:48 +0000

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