Dear all, you have 13 weeks until your target race for HM on 19th - TopicsExpress


Dear all, you have 13 weeks until your target race for HM on 19th October 2014. Your 12 week training plan for HM is ready and you could start following it from next Monday. In the Google sheet ( ) your target timings are put up which have been estimated from your 10K PB timings (separate tabs/sheets at the bottom for 10K and HM). That will give you an idea of what timing you could achieve (or aim for) if you train. Firstly some clarifications about the plan: 1) Cross training days and Yoga/stretching days are important and they MUST NOT be skipped. 2) Yoga days are equivalent to rest days with postures/stretches (done slowly and held) to relax, restore and prepare you for the next days running. They have to be done for at least 20 mins. You will be taught Surya Namaskars and other basic stretches. 3) Cross training is for strengthening your running related muscles. Do spend at least 30 mins on an exercise of your choice. Try to vary it the next week. 4) Saturdays will be for total body conditioning like we do now at RRS. 5) The technical workouts like Intervals, Fartleks, Hills will be on Sundays at RRS so that we have: a) access to a track at the Stadium which is less crowded; b) you can run with similar-paced runners from your group; c) Trainers can monitor, correct and guide you; d) they are the hardest and you might be tempted to skip them if they have to be done on your own. 6) Tempo pace will be your race pace that you will determine from a chart (which I will share shortly) based on your target time. 7) For Intervals you will be running at 85-100% of your perceived effort with rest intervals of 60-90 seconds. You could rest standing or go for a recovery jog in that time period. 8) Fartleks to be done one with 1 min fast alternated with 1 min of slow running at 70-90% of your perceived effort. On some days we will have unstructured fast-slow periods based on distance. 9) Long run to be done at a comfortable pace which allows you to talk while running. If you are not sure, you can refer to the pace chart that will be shared. Finally do not compare the plan with ones that have higher mileage. A higher mileage doesnt necessarily translate into good timings. Your focus here should be on strengthening, adequate recovery and a strong finish of your first HM race. Cross-training will also be adding to your quality miles. A 10K plan coming up soon. ALL THE BEST!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:27:36 +0000

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