Dear bigots, may I present a list of things you do that equate to - TopicsExpress


Dear bigots, may I present a list of things you do that equate to you surrendering the debate by default, things you do that prove you have no case, and are in fact hateful bigots. - Citing an article from Breitbart or Fox News as evidence of your bigoted claims. These are people who still claim Obama is from Kenya and that he has spy sattelites that can induce heart attacks in his enemies. NOTHING they post is credible. Sharing links from those sites or sites like them is an automatic admission of having no facts to back you up. - Laughing and saying things like Well youre fat/old/trans/gay/lesbian/not Christian/etc and citing any of those as proof that Im not intelligent does indeed prove SOMEONE is a goddamned idiot, but that someone is NOT me. NONE of those things has ANY biological impact on ones intellect. - Claiming Im clearly mentally ill/unstable, (such as calling me schizo, psycho, or suggesting Im rotating between personalities, or the ever so lovely Im Off My Meds, (of course I am, since I was never ON any psyche meds), solely because you dont like what I have to say is only indicative of your own potential mental instability. Youre living in a fantasy world where anyone who challenges or contradicts your bigotry HAS to be crazy, because sane people would ALWAYS agree with your hatred. That in and of itself is proof of a disconnect with reality. If you do ANY of these things, youre tacitly admitting defeat.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:32:31 +0000

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