Dear black man If Angie Motsheka was the coach of Kaiser - TopicsExpress


Dear black man If Angie Motsheka was the coach of Kaiser Chiefs , she would have been fired long ago. If Jacob Zuma was the coach of Pirates , he wouldnt have made it to the first transfer window, he would have been forced into retirement. if Mugabe was looking for a coaching job at Sundowns , he wouldnt even have made the first interview. South Africa is a soccer crazy country and no other fans are more zealous than those of the Soweto derby, nation wide divisions exist based on a preference for gold or black. Watching South African soccer one is taking part in a tradition with regalia so elaborate and complex preparing it is an art form, people are so in love with Chiefs/pirates that they own branded towels, branded bedding and even take out funeral plans with their soccer teams . One thing either side always keeps stock of is how they are doing in the league, how many trophies they have won, especially compared to the other side. This is a horrible year for me as a Pirates fan , because we are being humiliated and we have no response. I almost want to tear my beard out from the amount of ridicule I see on facebook. The spirit of the soccer fan is so intense that people die as a result of it , growing up in Bulawayo in Zimbabwe I supported a team called Highlanders (iBosso iBosso) and supporters of Dynamos (DeMbare could not walk in certain parts of the City in team regalia and remain safe. I thought that was pretty hectic growing up there till I came to South Africa, when a big team is losing , and keeps losing , there is no real life span for the coach . He must gets to the point where death threats are issued and the game itself becomes a security threat. There is no way on earth that Pirate/Chiefs fans could accept a losing coach for ten consecutive seasons. A losing coach would be lucky to make it into the second season . The passion is real and the consequences of underperformance are real for the underperforming coach. WE ARE A HOT BLOODED PEOPLE WHEN IT COMES TO OUR SOCCER TEAMS. Good coaches are not enough for the top two teams , only the best need to apply, our key focus is on winning and making sure that every step we have a real chance, our soccer players are now millionaires, when they die they get national burials with all the state funds fully behind them . Yet no matter how much I love Pirates, Highlanders , Manchester United , the truth is no matter how 22 young men perform on a small green square for ninety minutes , it all has no lasting significance. It doesnt matter to history who won the soccer game in 1643 , no one will ask of us 500 years from now , how wonderful the Kaiser Chiefs played . No matter how much I love the black and white of the buccaneer, the truth is I am not screaming my lungs out for a doctor performing surgery, or an engineer innovating . Its all just entertainment . Its for fun, bemusement . We make death threats for soccer. WE ARE HOT BLOODED WHEN WE LOSE THE LEAGUE. WE ARE HOT BLOODED FOR A LEATHER SKIN. What manner of fools are we, because we are losing in many areas as a country, we sit at the bottom of the table in education , at the very bottom compared to all the countries in the world , there is no bigger joke than our system of education . Our black schools are failure factories , our grade nine children only know 13% percent of the math they are supposed to, 50 % of our matriculants never even make it to the finish line, of those who survive these incubators of obscurity only 28% get marks high enough to make it into University, when they get to university they have a thirty percent chance of making it out with a degree. Most of the degrees are arts degrees in a world that seeks professionals . While China , U.K. Israel and America produce scientists , Enterprenuers and innovators , we are producing more graduate in politics . We are clearly losing this league. We have been losing , we are sowing bad seeds in education , one can not reap Magos whilst planting lemons, the universal truth remains the same . You reap what you sow, and we are sowing hell into the dreams of our children. If we plant our seeds where the township thugs can steal our seeds we are planting poorly , where the vipers who teach poison kill the dreams of our youth . Where the pythons squeeze dry the hopes of Africa by constricting our seeds with the fertilizer of incompetence and corruption . If these are the seeds we are sowing in education it is no surprise then that we are at the bottom of the league. Over the Last ten years 10 million children have been Condemned to the pits of poverty forever by never having reached their matric, you will meet them one day asking for your phone , for your car, for your wife , from the other side of of cold cruel bloodthirsty metal. We are losing in education , we have been losing for a long time. We are losing in providing power , we have been losing for a long time We are losing at manufacturing our own machines We are losing at removing crime We are losing at creating roads across Africa We are losing at removing the borders set up to divided a United Azania We are are losing at the governance We are losing at feeding our people We are losing at treating our own diseases The consequences of losing in these areas is not the same consequences as what I am going through when Pirates is losing to Chiefs. There is no comparison . Losing in this way steals the joy of my today, black people are going hungry now, getting sick now, we are suffering now. Losing in this way steals our future, whilst others race ahead of us , inventing 3d printers, smart watches, advanced robotics, self driving cars, social networks, drones. whilst others are planting strawberries in the deserts and creating startup nations. We are stuck in first gear forever. If nothing changes in the next fifty years the black man will have to sell himself back into slavery. We will not be able to stay the owners of our own land whilst China chases 100% pass mark and our people chase the 30% pass mark . We are losing and the consequences of it are beyond digestible. Yet this has been our story for the longest time. There is nothing new in Africa anymore , we all know how the story ends with each year. The script of corruption , of disease , of poverty , of tribalism , or incompetent, of African time is all too familiar to us. The actors change but the script remains the same. The foolishness we have chosen then exposes itself , we are fools in that we continue to accept this! The heart of our foolishness lies in this, while we go above and beyond to remove the bad soccer team coach.... WE KEEP LOSING IN MAJOR STRATEGIC AREAS , BUT THE COACHES GET TO KEEP THEIR JOBS !!!!! WE WILL DO EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO REMOVE A BAD SOCCER COACH, BUT NOT TO REMOVE A BAD PRESIDENT , NOT TO REMOVE BAD MINISTERS, NOT TO REMOVE A BAD PARLIAMENT . We listen to their excuses, we allow them to dupe us with promises thirty years away, with explanations of fire pools and all manner of hocus locus. We sympathize with them and understand their problems and accept the scraps of progress they dole out once they are done carving out the carcass of the dreams they killed. But we watch the white man celebrate his success across the aisle, his kids have a 98% pass rate, 85% of them are going to University , and 50% of them will graduate with a degree. We know that all of them will rise to the top of the African money pole once again. We watch them take the education , innovation trophy , the Enterprenuership trophy. We all know how that story ends, with our kids sitting in the back of a bakkie wearing blue overalls trying to keep warm on the M1. We even know deep down that if the IEB exam had a 28% percent number of students who could proceed to University, that everyone would be fired immediately by the white man. We even know that this would be the right thing to do, we do it all the time with our soccer coaches . We can see ourselves losing the league , year after year. We know who the coaches are and where they live. Yet we give them more pay, we give them ore honors, we extend their contracts. WE ARE HOT BLOODED ABOUT OUR SOCCER WE ARE COLD BLOODED ABOUT OUR REAL LIVES. WE SUFFER FROM KENTUCKY FRIED CONSCIOUSNESS......
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 17:24:22 +0000

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