Dear brother, there was a time when aluminium and tiles roofs - TopicsExpress


Dear brother, there was a time when aluminium and tiles roofs were rare, then, only few people could afford it, it was a thing of beauty and it makes any house roofed with it stand out, such houses even become point of reference, you hear things like blue roof junction, red roof bus stop etc, but these type of roof are particularly heavy, therefore special attention is been paid to the supporting structure because the weight of the roof can actually collapse the house, let me spare you building tech 101 lecture. Getting engaged is a thing of glamour, it beautify your life, place you in a new class etc but to these advantages comes cost, so heavy that your life must be solid enough to withstand it or else it will collapse your life, when I read your mail saying you are making a proposal soon, I was amazed, knowing you have unfinished businesses. My dear, you have moved from someone who is a member of the fellowship follow up unit to someone who needs to be followed up, your week days is filled with enough activities thereby making your service to God by the way. I wonder what conviction and leading you have, to take this serious step, you want to follow your heart, which tragically isnt following God? I sense danger ahead. If you think two are better than one then you must know that the verse is been quoted incompletely Ecclesiastes 4:9 KJV Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour., they are only better because they have A REWARD for their LABOUR, relationship is hard work made enjoyable by love which has only one source, GOD himself, you will need excess love to maintain a relationship and for that you need an intimate relationship with God who is love personified. My candid advise is that you get engaged to God afresh, let him build you and you will be fit enough to bear this assignment Your brother osola
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:24:10 +0000

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