Dear brothers and sisters, I believe the time has come! The times - TopicsExpress


Dear brothers and sisters, I believe the time has come! The times for a new look in Djibouti, the time to make sure someone with the legitimacy of its people and the expertise of governance given the chance to govern. The argument that if Guelleh regime collapses, Djibouti will become another Somalia is not going to be sold in the open market anymore. We have thought Guelleh could lead Djibouti towards economic development with relative autonomy. But that approach has been on test for almost 37 years and the time has come to try a full flagged democracy. I believe Djiboutien are ready to embrace a full flagged democracy were the rule of law is appalled, where the people chose their leader and remove their leader in a democratic process. We want a Djibouti were every individual regardless of ethnic back ground, age, or gender could have equal right under the law. No one is above the constitution and the law of the land. Every individual in civil servant that occupies the peoples office; leaves when the time to leave comes. No more bickering on the ideology of ethnic based tribalism and let us tackle the core challenge Djibouti is facing. Poverty, hanger, various illness, and fast population growth that is unmatched by the economic growth. All these social problems had accumulated over a long period of time. Hence they will take time to address them. Let us start addressing these great challenges by framing the discussion and analyze the outcomes. Let us debate on the vision we have for our country; lets debate methods rather than tribal issues that are very limiting and ethnocentric. Let us respect one another and debate based on science, and bodies of knowledge rather than cyclical emotional but pointless never ending bickering. I believe Djiboutiens, I mean all Djibouti, the Afars, the Somali and the Arabes are all great Ethnic groups that makes our country the great country on earth. Our diversity is our strength not our weakness and we should not let anyone use our strength as Djiboutiens and exploit it to destroy our great nation. In Djibouti, Every ethnic group contribute a great deal to a country we became and every ethnic group will contribute to the Djibouti,we want to leave for our kids and grand kinds. We want to leave a country where our kids could have economic, political and social freedom in their country, where their parents, grandparent fought to protect and preserved. I believe the Diboutien people are stronger and united under the same flag and one country. Djibouti will never be like Somalia or any other country that is going through civil unrest. The reason Djibouti will not fall in to civil unrest is rather simple. Most Diboutien understands that a united and strong Dibouti, governed by democratic principles and law is a benefit to every Djiboutien. No one ethnic group will benefit by seceding from our union. In the other hand every ethnic groups in Djibouti would benefit by staying united. Hence there is no incentive for any ethnic group to secede from the union. But we know that almost every dictator use patriotism as a scare tactic to shield themselves from social revolution and popular uprising. This is evident in resent social uprising in North African and the Middle East. For God Sake Gadafi was using the same tactic! And indeed Guelleh is a master mind in such tactic. Every Djiboutien parent regardless of where we are in the geographic map want a roof over their head, a descend job, a good school for their kids and a security and protection from their government. These are not much to ask but Djiboutien haven’t had a government that is accountable to Djiboutien’s demands and needs. The same family wants to stay in power as long as possible. Their end goal is to stay in power as long as possible and every injustice they have committed along the way is their means to their end goal. In recent years, we are witnessing history in the making in North Africa and the Middle East and the fever is expanding like a wild fire and making nerveous every dictator in and around these regions including our own government in Djibouti. The Guelleh’s administration decided very early on that it is not going to wait until the wild fire is getting to them by shifting the potential energy towards other unnecessary forces and Guelleh administration though it could avoid the fast approaching wild fire. Therefore, the Guelleh administration took two fold measures: 1. Reignite the conflict between the Djiboutien people using the tribal card by accusing the opposition aspiring to make Djibouti like Somalia. I’m sure we all have seen the graphic pictures and videos of terrorist act in Somalia 2. The administration is also playing the patriotic card by creating a media hype about the economical progres, they are planning to build. But the main agenda is to stare nationalistic feeling across the country to make sure people are supporting Guelleh regime in their endeavor. Such strategy successfully shift the attention off the administration and its wrong doing , all of these is a desperate attempt to hold into power. Even with the creative deception tactic and creative maneuvering, it seems anything that could go wrong against Guelleh regime. Who would be the skepgot for the rapid inflation that is sweeping the economy? Is it the corruptions? How about the 1/3 of the population who are hungry in Dibouti? I guess they have not figured out who to blame yet but I am sure they will find someone. The bottom line Djiboutien are united more than ever, and Guelleh regime is incompetent, unqualified, and corrupt and it seems their time is approaching rather swiftly! I smell Freedom on the air! May God BlessDjibouti!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:11:12 +0000

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